I have a rig with, 8 RX580s mining Ethereum @ 257mh/s using Phoenix Miner. My electrical costs are .1333. So far the profits are looking like $30 a month which isn't terrible considering it is 2019.
I am very satisfied with this rig and would like to build a second rig and willing to spend more money this time around.
After doing some calculations with WhatToMine.com it doesn't look like there is any card that is more profitable than my current build.
It appears that the BEAST cards like the vegas use so much electricity and since my electricity is .1333, it makes it not worth paying for them and running them. (ROI seems rediculous).
I do see with some of the 1070's and 1070ti and 1080's and 1080ti that some of the ALT coins become really profitable (which is not the case with my RX580s), a lot more than Etherium, which is why it might be worth me going this path and investing in an Nvidia rig. However, if we are just talking Etherium the RX580s (micron memory) have been hard to beat with this calculator.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be great!!
Rx570 nitro + 8gb does slightly less with better consumption. Rig with 6 cards consumes 640~650W