Chat transcript
Username memekobek
E-mail Steve Sun, 08/04/19 05:35:13 pm Europe/Rome
Hello. How may I help you?
memekobek 05:35:22 pm
Steve 05:35:52 pm
Hi there, how may i assist you?
memekobek 05:36:01 pm
my withdraw option was locked
why so ?
Steve 05:36:36 pm
We are aware of it, therefore, please contact relevant safety and assurance team via e-mail as soon as possible, memekobek 05:36:54 pm
no will not
Steve 05:37:08 pm
For any further information please get in touch with relevant team.
memekobek 05:37:17 pm
i play with bitcoin to remain anonymous
i will not send ID and shit
for 4.3 mBTC
all I ask you is: WHY ?
Steve 05:38:20 pm
This conversation will be closed as we have informed you how to proceed, if you do not have any other queries please get in contact with relevant team who is glad to assist you and explain you everything.
memekobek 05:39:43 pm scam people with this "casino"
Steve 05:40:38 pm
As explained above two times, you will need to contact relevant safety and assurance team, we do not scam, i wish you a pleasant day and if you need further assistance with any other topics, feel free to contact us again.
Steve has closed the chat.
Duration: 5m 37s
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