Description: 5 amazing glycee prints, made by artist Ricky Allman. These prints have been purchased directly from Max (Kialara). All of the prints are numbered #4 out of 21 and hand signed by the artist. Click on the text below to see an image of the print. I can provide pictures of all the signatures on request.
Ricky Allman's Excavatorelevator 1: #04/21Ricky Allman's Excavatorelevator 2: #04/21Ricky Allman's Excavatorelevator 3: #04/21Ricky Allman's Atmospheric Escape: #04/21Ricky Allman's Lunar Voyage: #04/21Tickets:
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0 - Minerjones
a -
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d - BookofNick
e - Chronicsky
f - Minerjones
Price Per Ticket (PPT): 0.0065 BTC.
Ticket Limit: None.
Shipping: Free worldwide shipping.
Pay To: Address will be made public once all tickets have been taken. No need to pay upfront.