I was thinking that investors would think the cryptocurrency market as an alternative to traditional investment products.
Having said that, my point was that those two markets have a reverse impact.
If the stock market goes down, then investors would start searching for alternative (more profitable) investments and turn to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
The last days stock market crash seems that lead the market cap of the crypto market down.
Does the Stock Market has impact over the Bitcoin price?
There is no relation between the two markets. Considering the fact that many professional speculators and investors trade bitcoin in secret (no mather the evolution of stock market) they will never go public to admit bitcoin as good alternative of the stock market.
Undoubtedly, none of the players in the stock market will officially and publicly recognize the benefits of cryptocurrency and the benefits of investing in bitcoin, because it will undermine their own activities in the stock market, as well as the support of a practically competing party, because such statements always attract new investments in the cryptocurrency market. But since there are enough anonymous users among Bitcoin owners, I’m sure that all these stock market players have a certain amount of cryptocurrency in their secret pockets, including bitcoin. Of course, we will not talk about complete skeptics, but a significant part of the progressive public understands the possibility of the superiority of the cryptocurrency market during the fall of the stock market.