Sooner or later we have to divide the blockchain to 2 parts (as has been previously suggested).
Old data and new data.
This would work, if the "old" data is also made available for downloading, so that if anyone doesn't trust that the beginning of the "new" data is correct, he/she can verify it himself.
A file with all the addresses and their balances takes less than 900M. So maybe the new blockchain size would be around 3GB ?, with all the separate UTXO:s included in it.
Would be great if the blockchain could be "pruned" every 5 years or so, and all the "discarded" data would be made available for downloading too, from outside of blockchain.
For people to validate the validity of the information, they would have to verify the whole block chain from the start of genesis. Else, it wouldn't be very effective for Bitcoin to exist. Centralisation wouldn't be ideal either, it would make attacks on Bitcoin easier and less expensive.
For most, I would think that running an SPV wallet would suffice while people who would want to support the network can run Bitcoin. The size would arguably be less of an issue with technological advancement and the various BIPs (Lightning network, schnorr signature etc).