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Activity: 658
Merit: 100
BuyAnyLight - Blockchain LED Marketplace
September 09, 2019, 07:30:15 AM |
My greatest regret was selling my 2btc on the 10th of april 2011.... i felt it was not a viable investment as at that time and was glad i could sell it. Which i have the wand to turn back the hands of time i would have kept it and cherish it. Now i hodl for long time and sell only accrued interest pr returns
I already heard a lot of such stories when people sold their BTC or altcoins and thought that the project could not develop. the most important thing is that you are still in this market and continue to earn money
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1201
Playbet.io - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
September 09, 2019, 09:19:53 AM |
My greatest regret was selling my 2btc on the 10th of april 2011.... i felt it was not a viable investment as at that time and was glad i could sell it. Which i have the wand to turn back the hands of time i would have kept it and cherish it. Now i hodl for long time and sell only accrued interest pr returns
I already heard a lot of such stories when people sold their BTC or altcoins and thought that the project could not develop. the most important thing is that you are still in this market and continue to earn money Sometimes things like that happen due to the change of market situation, normally, most of the investors are starting to invest when the market is good because they believe that the progress will continue and they'll be able to have their ROI in short term period, but that expectation is only brought by lack of knowledge in the market because if they will study the history of the market, they will know that there are some big ups and downs in that happens in times when people aren't expecting it, that is why this market is labeled as an unpredictable market, hence the risk is high.
September 09, 2019, 09:25:40 AM |
Never regret what you have done. The past is the past and can't be change. Regretting something won't change your future. Be happy with what you have now.
September 09, 2019, 09:32:58 AM |
My biggest mistake. In 13, I had stable earnings on the Internet, and somehow I came across a cryptocurrency by a friend’s link, then it was a tap where you could earn by entering captcha, now these pennies would cost many times more. Yes, and if I then began to be interested in cryptocurrency, I would probably find something else interesting where you can earn bitcoin. In the cryptocurrency, he eventually came in 18.
Full Member
Activity: 2184
Merit: 100
September 10, 2019, 04:56:54 PM |
Honestly speaking I have regretted not to take the benefit of bullish market in the year 2017. I must cash out some money rather than greed for more and apart from this I came to know about this market in year 2015 but I did not believe in this market If I must have been joined crypto world that time I must have good portfolio by now, that's why I repent to miss the opportunity.
Sr. Member
Activity: 566
Merit: 250
CurioInvest [IEO Live]
September 10, 2019, 05:52:50 PM |
My biggest regret was when I first was made aware about Bitcoin. It was when I first looked into the darkweb way back 2011/2012 and was immediately made aware of the existence of Bitcoin and that there it was being used as a main form of currency of exchange. I regret not researching more into cryptocurrency and its complete potential because of underlying blockchain technology since I had this initial shady impression of Bitcoin being associated with the transactions going on in the darkweb.
September 10, 2019, 08:43:53 PM |
I hate to even think of it, my greatest regret was lacking the knowledge of what crypto is about. It Got to a point when I got some BTC I had to quickly sell it because I saw no potential, and I didn't have any clue about it . It still pains me, if I had knowledge about it it, I would probably be holding some reasonable amount of BTC
Mt. Dempo
Jr. Member
Activity: 294
Merit: 1
September 10, 2019, 09:50:57 PM |
My greatest crypto regret was when a friend wanted to give me 6btc in 2010 and i told him this 'you are just wasting your time with all this useless internet things' and even the guy wasnt sure if what is holding will worth it in future so the guy replied 'it costs me nothing' ,after few months i stop seeing the guy again even till date,i thinks he is not in my city anymore,what is your greatest crypto regret?
my biggest regret is 1. I am late to know this forum, I know this forum after they implemented the merit system.  2. In the late 2017 and early 2018 range, I bought a few eth when the price was around $ 500/1 in the hope that it would return to more than $ 1000/1 eth, but that never happened, because at that time my expectations were too high.  but I learned a lot about that incident. which makes me pay more attention to my steps 
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September 10, 2019, 09:55:57 PM |
Still my greatest regret is not knowing about Bitcoin in 2010 or 2011. I thought of myself as a computer geek, but it was all about commercial programming for me. I spent more time in Stack Exchange, learning about javascript, html, and PHP. If I have known about Bitcoin, I would have tried mining it from my desktop and kept it for a souvenir.
September 10, 2019, 10:04:40 PM |
My greatest crypto regret was when a friend wanted to give me 6btc in 2010 and i told him this 'you are just wasting your time with all this useless internet things' and even the guy wasnt sure if what is holding will worth it in future so the guy replied 'it costs me nothing' ,after few months i stop seeing the guy again even till date,i thinks he is not in my city anymore,what is your greatest crypto regret?
That sounds pretty bad and regretful and there are more situations that i had read up to this thread which is more severe or can really make you frustrate because you had missed out the golden opportunity on making yourself rich or financially free.Even myself do have regrets since im still college wayback on 2009.I able to hear out about bitcoin but that thing do only passed for 24 hours and simply neglect it on the other day because we know that internet scams are rampant and im way too paranoid in regards to these things.In result, when i do involve to crypto market and discover out bitcoins price i do knock off my head why i did miss out those earliest years.
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September 10, 2019, 10:21:54 PM |
Selling my credit token of 3333 pcs for just 1,000 USD last December 12, 2017. After less than a week, my 3,333 value more than 20,000 USD and that is the biggest regret i still feel.
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September 10, 2019, 10:40:13 PM |
My greatest crypto regret was when a friend wanted to give me 6btc in 2010 and i told him this 'you are just wasting your time with all this useless internet things' and even the guy wasnt sure if what is holding will worth it in future so the guy replied 'it costs me nothing' ,after few months i stop seeing the guy again even till date,i thinks he is not in my city anymore,what is your greatest crypto regret?
The time wherein I sell my Bitcoins for $700 rate way back in 2016 if I'm not mistaken. As I was just starting that time, I wanna secure my earnings in crypto thus I put it on the bank and then after several months I begin in regretting that decision. In order to avoid that to happen, I promised to myself that I won't sell my Bitcoin unless I needed it urgently. Due to this mind set, I'm not affected by FOMO and panic seller people.
September 10, 2019, 11:40:44 PM Last edit: September 11, 2019, 12:21:45 AM by flagpara |
My greatest crypto regret was when a friend wanted to give me 6btc in 2010 and i told him this 'you are just wasting your time with all this useless internet things' and even the guy wasnt sure if what is holding will worth it in future so the guy replied 'it costs me nothing' ,after few months i stop seeing the guy again even till date,i thinks he is not in my city anymore,what is your greatest crypto regret?
I haven't one regret, i had been disappointed before got a reward. Still I remember that time, after 2 days pumped 15000 USD but I sold it for 500-700 USD. Although I didn't realize the value of this coin.
September 11, 2019, 12:56:23 AM |
My best ever crypto regret is when i sell my first ever bounty rewards that i earn in bitcointalk bounty campaign in a low value , i just earn a penny that time and for about a week later on the token just pumped up 20 times as it usual value in the beginning. That moment i learn a lot of things in cryptocurrency and learned what to do next in my rewards.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1070
Need a Marketing Manager? |Telegram ID- @LT_Mouse
September 11, 2019, 01:18:55 AM |
I think mine is I'm late to know cryptocurrency. I have been browsing the internet for many years already but just to find online games and watching youtube videos. In those years, I didn't see the word cryptocurrency even once. Its just in 2017 when somebody said it to me and that is the start of the new life  . Instead of searching for online games, now I'm searching for ways to earn online using crypto.
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Activity: 938
Merit: 14
Earn more with Earn Network
September 11, 2019, 03:45:18 AM |
I made two haste sells during my early times in cryptocurrency, that was somewhere around Q3 2017. The sells I made were worth $200 but during the bull run of that same year 2017, those assets were worth $10,000. Anyway, I've learnt my lessons and I know how patience can be more significant when it comes to cryptocurrency.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1092
September 11, 2019, 05:16:34 AM |
Back in 2011, maybe even 2010, I was planning on buying $100 worth of Bitcoin through Paypal. Then they banned payments for cryptocurrencies. I just missed out on acquiring around 35 BTC for $100.
But to be honest, I doubt I would have held 35 BTC until 2017/2018. No one could have known it would explode in value. So technically, I did miss out, but not in a "oh my god I could have bought a house five years after I invested $100" kind of way.
I think it's good to learn from past mistakes but don't beat yourself up about it. The early to medium term adopters who saw 2000X+ returns were probably just lucky... or had balls of steel.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1456
Merit: 267
Buy $BGL before it's too late!
September 11, 2019, 05:36:51 AM |
I made two haste sells during my early times in cryptocurrency, that was somewhere around Q3 2017. The sells I made were worth $200 but during the bull run of that same year 2017, those assets were worth $10,000. Anyway, I've learnt my lessons and I know how patience can be more significant when it comes to cryptocurrency.
We do seen a lots of same misfortune decision making, that 2017 bull really make everyone regrets the moved that they made, seeing your assets pumping so high after selling it that's really a regretful move but you can't do anything about it just let it passed, you can try to make things better if you wanted to proceed and not to let things passed again.
September 11, 2019, 07:06:11 AM |
greatest do not exist When we only need the crypto, but if we always follow the path or piy procedure that is applied by crypto, then if the results are not to be expected, then our feelings as people who are in or always together.
September 11, 2019, 07:17:30 AM |
My biggest regret is being late in this forum, maybe if I was in the forum since Bitcoin appeared early I think now it has become a millionaire if buying bitcoin around the price of $ 132 at that time. yeah, everyone has experienced his biggest regret. it's better now to think ahead and focus on this work and hopefully the market stabilizes soon and the project fraud is reduced.