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Author Topic: [ANN] Bitcoin (BTC) on Tor addnodes Project  (Read 1015 times)
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
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August 19, 2019, 05:45:23 PM
Last edit: March 02, 2022, 10:28:04 PM by BitcoinFX
Merited by LoyceV (6), TheNewAnon135246 (5), ABCbits (4), cryptomaxsun (3), DaCryptoRaccoon (2), th3nolo (1), n0nce (1)

Bitcoin (BTC) on Tor addnodes Project by BitcoinFX

Herewith, dedicated Tor (only) addnode=.onion's for Bitcoin (BTC).

My Bitcoin (BTC) on Tor addnodes Project will be migrating to Tor v3 .onion services asap ...

Existing Tor v2 onion services will remain 'live' for as long as they continue ...



Pruned mode v3 addnodes (Live!)


Full blockchain addnodes
(coming soon!)

Pruned mode v2 addnodes



## bitcoin.conf CLIENT example

## IMPORTANT - Running the Tor software is required with this config. !!!

## Operating System - Default bitcoin datadir - Typical path to configuration file i.e.
## Windows - %APPDATA%\Bitcoin\ - C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf
## Linux - $HOME/.bitcoin/ - /home/username/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf


## For Tor Visit -
## Tor Manual -

## [Notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong!
## Learn how to be safe at

IMPORTANT: Note (check) your Tor / Bitcoin SOCKS port is correct! Usually 9050 or 9150 .

See: Tor Support in Bitcoin


Also see:


SERVER and Set-up guides soon!


This is a dedicated service which I trust will stand the test of time with community support, donations and sponsorship of additional nodes.

All of these nodes are 100% dedicated and only securely (relay) Bitcoin (BTC) network traffic over Tor, as an ISP.

Nodes are not established to facilitate 'illegal' use and/or 'abuse' of Bitcoin or the Tor network, whatsoever. Nodes do not relay regular Tor traffic and are in fact ClientOnly mode Tor servers. Nodes are not related to mixers or to any darknet (anything that google cannot index) market places.

This project exists to help preserve your individual Right to Privacy, Financial Sovereignty and Freedom of Expression when running Bitcoin.

Users of this free circumvention service are not customers.

All project nodes are compliant with U.S. export regulations and actually avoid relaying traffic through Embargoed and Sanctioned Countries, as well as any Counties currently operating a Ban on Bitcoin and/or Tor (more on how to do this soon!). Note that this actually helps to prevent censorship and enables internet circumvention for Bitcoin users from (or located within) oppressive regimes, for example.



Lots more to come including set-up guides and node sponsorship opportunities etc., Do PM me!

For those of you who don't know me, I've been here for a good while now ...

I've hosted dedicated Tor Exit servers in the past and have been a Tor protagonist for well over a decade now.

I intend to enable similar dedicated services for Electrum (BTC), The Lightning Network (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), as well as continuing to make good a Zcash (ZEC) Foundation grant for the same purpose, disbursed to myself under a different guise. A website will eventually follow.



Litecoin (LTC) on Tor v3 (pruned mode) addnodes are now Live ! See:




"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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September 10, 2019, 07:30:33 AM
Last edit: March 02, 2022, 10:16:15 PM by BitcoinFX
Merited by DaCryptoRaccoon (2)

Research and Development / Info. - always a work in progress - Updated March 2022 ...

Legality of bitcoin by country or territory

Advisory - Tell our Tor CLIENT to avoid making network connections (and therefore relaying Bitcoin traffic) through Tor nodes in the following countries or territories i.e. BTCe a good neighbour ...

DEFCON 1 (most severe) = Bitcoin deemed 'Illegal' i.e. full or partial prohibition.

Algeria, {dz}
Bangladesh, {bd}
Bolivia, {bo}
China, {cn} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Egypt, {eg} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Morocco, {ma}
Nepal, {np}
Pakistan, {pk}

torrc edit:
ExcludeNodes {bd},{bo},{dz},{cn},{eg},{ma},{np}

Always Read the Manual. See:

DEFCON 2 = Bitcoin Banking ban and/or other restrictions i.e. contentious.

Brunei, {bn}
Cambodia, {kh}
Colombia, {co}
Ecuador, {ec} - note: Illegal as payment tool
Indonesia, {id} - note: Illegal as payment tool
India, {in}
Iran, {ir} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Jordan, {jo}
Namibia, {na}
Nigeria, {ng}
Qatar, {qa}
Russia, {ru} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Saudi Arabia, {sa} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Taiwan, {tw}
Thailand, {th}
Turkey, {tr} - note: illegal as payment tool ?
United Arab Emirates, {ae} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed] + contradictory information
Vietnam, {vn} - note: illegal as payment tool

torrc edit:
ExcludeNodes {ae},{co},{ec},{id},{ir},{jo},{na},{ng},{qa},{kh},{ru},{sa},{th},{tr},{tw},{vn}


United States sanctions i.e. for export compliance ...

... "Combined, the Treasury Department, the Commerce Department and the State Department list embargoes against .. countries or territories:"  ...

Afghanistan, {af}
Belarus, {by} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Bolivia, {bo} - DEFCON 1
Cambodia, {kh}
China, {cn} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed] + DEFCON 1
Crimea Region, {ua}
Cuba, {cu}
Eritrea, {er}
Iran, {ir} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed] + Bitcoin Banking ban
Laos, {la}
Nicaragua, {ni}
Korea, North, {kp} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Palestinian Territories, {ps}
Russia, {ru} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed] + DEFCON 2
Syria, {sy} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Venezuela, {ve} - note: strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]
Yemen, {ye}
Zimbabwe, {zw}

torrc edit:
ExcludeNodes {af},{by},{bo},{kh},{cn},{ua},{cu},{er},{ir},{la},{ni},{kp},{ps},{ru},{sy},{ve},{ye},{zw}

Also see: EU - Restrictive measures (sanctions) in force:


Misc. / Countries or territories (not included above) with strict VPN and/or Tor ban / internet censorship [citation's needed]

Bahrain, {bh}
Benin, {bj}
Ethiopia, {et}
Iraq, {iq}
Kuwait, {kw}
Kazakhstan, {kz}
Malawi, {mw}
Oman, {om}
Philippines, {ph}
Tajikistan, {tj}
Turkmenistan, {tm}
Tunisia, {tn}
Uganda, {ug}
Uzbekistan, {uz}

torrc edit:
ExcludeNodes {bh},{bj},{et},{iq},{kw},{mw},{om},{ph},{tj},{tm},{tn},{ug},{uz}


Five Eyes:

Australia {au}
Canada {ca} + Bitcoin banking ban !
United Kingdom {gb}
United States {us}
New Zealand {nz}


Bitcoin (BTC) on Tor addnodes Project advisory ExcludeNodes - Updated March 2022 ...

ExcludeNodes Unnamed,default,{bd},{bo},{dz},{cn},{eg},{ma},{np},{ae},{co},{ec},{id},{ir},{jo},{na},{ng},{qa},{kh},{ru},{sa},{th},{tr},{tw},{vn},{af},{by},{kh},{ua},{cu},{er},{ir},{la},{ni},{kp},{ps},{sy},{ve},{ye},{zw},{bh},{bj},{et},{iq},{kw},{mw},{om},{ph},{tj},{tm},{tn},{ug},{uz},{??}

Again, see:

..."ExcludeNodes node,node,…

    A list of identity fingerprints, country codes, and address patterns of nodes to avoid when building a circuit. Country codes are 2-letter ISO3166 codes, and must be wrapped in braces; fingerprints may be preceded by a dollar sign. (Example: ExcludeNodes ABCD1234CDEF5678ABCD1234CDEF5678ABCD1234, {cc},

    By default, this option is treated as a preference that Tor is allowed to override in order to keep working. For example, if you try to connect to a hidden service, but you have excluded all of the hidden service’s introduction points, Tor will connect to one of them anyway. If you do not want this behavior, set the StrictNodes option (documented below).

    Note also that if you are a relay, this (and the other node selection options below) only affects your own circuits that Tor builds for you. Clients can still build circuits through you to any node. Controllers can tell Tor to build circuits through any node.

    Country codes are case-insensitive. The code "{??}" refers to nodes whose country can’t be identified. No country code, including {??}, works if no GeoIPFile can be loaded. See also the GeoIPExcludeUnknown option below. "...


Note: This is an independent research and development project. BitcoinFX is not directly associated with the Tor Project Inc.,


Please PM / contact me for full node sponsorship etc.,

"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
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Activity: 2198
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฿uy ฿itcoin

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September 10, 2019, 07:19:44 PM

Great initiative. Definitely following this thread.
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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September 11, 2019, 03:15:25 PM
Last edit: March 02, 2022, 10:29:00 PM by BitcoinFX

Thank you for your kind words, interest and support!


Configuration examples;

Bitcoin (BTC) bitcoin.conf ... Linux (Tor only and pruned mode)

cd ~/.bitcoin && sudo nano bitcoin.conf




Tor - torrc ... Linux (CLIENT only Tor hidden_service, for pruned mode i.e. will only relay Bitcoin traffic over Tor, with reduced bandwidth!) ...

Updated March 2022 for Tor .onion v3

sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

ClientOnly 1
SOCKSPort 9050
SOCKSPolicy accept
Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log
ControlPort 9051

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/bitcoin-service/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 8333

HiddenServiceStatistics 0
ExtraInfoStatistics 0

ORPort 443
DirPort 80

BandwidthRate 8MB
BandwidthBurst 10MB
ExitPolicy reject *:*
NumCPUs 1
AvoidDiskWrites 1

ConnectionPadding 1
ReducedConnectionPadding 1

GeoIPExcludeUnknown 1

ExcludeNodes Unnamed,default,{bd},{bo},{dz},{cn},{eg},{ma},{np},{ae},{co},{ec},{id},{ir},{jo},{na},{ng},{qa},{kh},{ru},{sa},{th},{tr},{tw},{vn},{af},{by},{kh},{ua},{cu},{er},{ir},{la},{ni},{kp},{ps},{sy},{ve},{ye},{zw},{bh},{bj},{et},{iq},{kw},{mw},{om},{ph},{tj},{tm},{tn},{ug},{uz},{??}



Full howto node set-up guide coming soon, including dual stack server, firewall and ddos prevention etc.,


Good luck finding sato shin naka moto !


"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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September 14, 2019, 07:25:20 PM
Last edit: January 11, 2021, 06:36:00 PM by BitcoinFX

Currently seeking funding and/or full node sponsors ...

Sats donations welcome! I'm sadly not fortunate enough to be one of those super rich early Bitcoin adopter / pioneers you know ...

Every little helps. Bandwidth and time is expensive, plus I need coffee!


Legacy Address:

Bitcoin on Tor

BTC Legacy donation address : 1DABG65JzkFn2cUHvUvhcV2YddyApMUzxB

BitcoinFX -


Segwit Address:

Bitcoin on Tor

BTC Segwit donation address : bc1qz5vkwga60jgpnmyqefxuvvw894vc78s2m5nn0g

BitcoinFX -



Please PM / contact me for full node sponsorship etc.,

More soon. Thank you.

"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
Hero Member
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Activity: 1241
Merit: 623


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March 05, 2020, 12:33:31 AM

Fantastic project FX, 

You really do the community a lot of good I wish the community would back more people like you who go out of there way to do nice and protective things for us all.

You will always have my support and I'll see what I can donate to the cause.

Thank you!

Magic!  Wink

┃     𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔯ⱪ 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔞𝔤𝔰       ┃
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BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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March 05, 2020, 02:57:53 PM
Last edit: March 06, 2022, 07:56:33 PM by BitcoinFX

Fantastic project FX,  

You really do the community a lot of good I wish the community would back more people like you who go out of there way to do nice and protective things for us all.

You will always have my support and I'll see what I can donate to the cause.

Thank you!

Magic!  Wink

Welcome MagicByt3 !

We keep on "fighting the good fight!", so to speak ...

I have wanted to bring forth my experience with Bitcoin and crypto privacy solutions for many years now, however, various hindrances and huddles always seem to present themselves.

TBH this thread does not even scratch the surface of what I'm looking to do here. Stable resources are required for the long-term with this project and that includes funding nodes. I'm considering some crypto crowd funding solutions.

Anyhow, posts will be frequently updated. We continue ...

Thanks for your support!

Litecoin (LTC) on Tor v3 (pruned mode) addnodes are now Live !



"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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October 13, 2020, 11:28:05 AM
Merited by DaCryptoRaccoon (2)

My Bitcoin (BTC) on Tor addnodes Project will be migrating to Tor v3 .onion services asap ...

Existing Tor v2 onion services will remain 'live' for as long as they continue ...

See: "Onion Service version 2 deprecation timeline"

"1. September 15th, 2020
0.4.4.x: Tor will start warning onion service operators and clients that v2 is deprecated and will be obsolete in version 0.4.6.
2. July 15th, 2021
0.4.6.x: Tor will no longer support v2 and support will be removed from the code base.
3. October 15th, 2021
We will release new Tor client stable versions for all supported series that will disable v2.
This effectively means that from today (July 2nd, 2020), the Internet has around 16 months to migrate from v2 to v3 once and for all. ..."


"Bitcoin's Next Upgrade Will Support Tor V3 Addresses"


"Bitcoin Core v0.21 will support Tor V3 addresses, and BIP155 (which supports gossiping them over the network).

Tor V2 addresses are deprecated since last month, and will be disabled in Oct 2021: "



"Complete the BIP155 implementation and upgrade to TORv3 #19954"


Watch this space. Here be dragons ...


P.S. twitter 'nuked' my twitter account 'BitcoinFX_BTC' thanks @jack.

"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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November 14, 2020, 06:58:46 PM
Merited by DaCryptoRaccoon (1)

Re-establishing my website (related to all things Tor) for this Bitcoin (BTC) on Tor addnodes Project.

New addnodes, set-up guides, firewalls and a plethora of other things crypto will be published on the site as and when.

Existing content of interest might include;

Tor Browser Bundle - about:config - Null Advisory (for Tor Browser users) ...

Tor Browser Bundle GeoIP torrc - Anti-Censorship and Freedom of the Press

N.B. is NOT affiliated with the The Tor Project, Inc..


"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
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Activity: 1241
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November 19, 2020, 10:34:20 PM

Nice work Mr FX!

This is really useful info I think there should be more adoption and use of tor but the issue is people get very confused with it and make mistakes when doing configurations this info will be a real help to anyone looking to step into the world of tor while using bitcoin.

There was some fairly recent news about bad exits on tor running ssl strip that was quite a concern.

Keep up the good work!

┃     𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔯ⱪ 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔞𝔤𝔰       ┃
┃                ➤21/M                      ┃
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April 05, 2021, 07:32:46 PM

How is the project going BitcoinFX.

Hope your staying safe!


┃     𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔯ⱪ 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔞𝔤𝔰       ┃
┃                ➤21/M                      ┃
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BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
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June 02, 2021, 02:24:47 PM

How is the project going BitcoinFX.

Hope your staying safe!


Slow progress thank you @ MagicByt3.

Highly capable here, although finding community interest in true privacy projects, sponsorship opportunites and funding is completely lacking to be honest.

My time and resources might be better spent elsewhere.

However, I'm continuing with this in a limited capacity moving forward.

Stay safe!

"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
BitcoinFX (OP)
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Activity: 2646
Merit: 1722 ... Dr. WHO < KLF

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March 02, 2022, 04:34:58 PM
Last edit: March 02, 2022, 10:31:52 PM by BitcoinFX
Merited by ABCbits (1)

New Dedicated Tor v3 (only) addnode=.onion's for Bitcoin (BTC) are now live!


Cheers!  Cool

"Bitcoin OG" 1JXFXUBGs2ZtEDAQMdZ3tkCKo38nT2XSEp | Bitcoin logo™ Enforcer? | Bitcoin is BTC | CSW is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto | I Mine BTC, LTC, ZEC, XMR and GAP | BTC on Tor addnodes Project | Media enquiries : Wu Ming | Enjoy The Money Machine | "You cannot compete with Open Source" and "Cryptography != Banana" | BSV and BCH are COUNTERFEIT.
Hero Member
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Activity: 1241
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December 01, 2022, 07:12:42 AM

Bumping this and checking you are still around @BitcoinFX not seen you online for a while hope you are ok!

Also I spotted your LTC nodes in the LTC topic I really think all the nodes you run should be in a  "super topic"

Send a small amount of LTC to you more to come soon Smiley

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┃                ➤21/M                      ┃
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