So pretty much all of the reports that "European children are smarter then American children" is only due to the fact that they're sorting children by how smart they are at a certain age, and only letting the smartest people continue on further into academia while the rest are left for the trades and such?
That's just one country in europe and I'm not sure how the system actually works in Germany.
Most European countries and America seem to have bad education systems (if not all) but I'm not sure there's much they can do to improve it unelss you get teachers that have a better knowledge of their subject and can better direct their students. I think everyone remembers the few teachers who gave up on what they were supposed to be teaching or followed it so loosly as to a point where they would also cover a bit behind what you were supposed to learn too...
How was Einstein at math was he still pretty average by age 10 - that might be an interesting thing to look at do you have a link?
I would blame the education issues on no one wanting to change and everyone blaming one another.
Teachers in particular don't have a clear way of being rated by administration, this is partly due to Unions fighting this sort of thing happening (because they think using test scores to rate teachers is unfair, which it is) and then administration wanting too much power to punish teachers with.
Politicians want instant action, so they push forward with large policy initiatives that sound great on paper but don't lead to anything.
Who knows the correct way to fix education, honestly it's not going to be easy.