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Author Topic: We need regulation pretty bad  (Read 5637 times)
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September 29, 2019, 03:34:19 PM

There is no way to eliminate fraud and regulations are not golden bullets to fight scammers. as we know that the origin of fraud is based on one's level of expertise, I mean they misuse expertise for personal gain. the problem is there

Yes but it gives some level of security and ensure potential investors of safety of their funds, not to mention it will greatly reduce the inflow of scam project we have coming up everyday deceiving investors by taking their money and going unpunished for their crimes,
regulations may not entirely wipe out fraudulent activities but it reduce it to some extent, it is because no regulations we are facing so many problem with bad project,
this fraudsters will scam you over again using different project and identity, the ecosystem needs to be sanitized, i think it is part of the reason adoption is slow.

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September 29, 2019, 03:59:14 PM

You are absolutely right. I can't explain how disgusted I am on the maximum altcoins developer. They know nothing, but wrote lots of catchy technology in the whitepaper. The best, the new era, the revolution are very common words for them but they don't have proper knowledge of how to enroll it. After raising fund, they forget all things, sometimes they change roadmap, whitepaper. Actually, they are a drawback ট, darnel in the crypto industry. To erase them from crypto, blockchain needs regulation.

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September 29, 2019, 04:09:45 PM

no we don't need regulations at all and the worst part is that regulation is not going to solve anything in the way you think they are!

the same scams are going to continue to happen if not more if this market was heavily regulated and people were restricted about what they could create. that would just push people into off-the-market and in shady places for trading.

the solution to the problem you are concerned with is so easy! people simply have to stop giving away their money to any random person who asks for it in return for garbage.

The big question is how regulation will be implemented, who will implement and will the investors follow these regulators, and what's the guaranty that they are not going to be corrupt, remember the rating site are doing great in their early days until they accept paid listing and that's where everything starts.
They accept dubious projects in their premium listing or giving good ratings to projects that turned out to be scam.






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September 29, 2019, 04:18:40 PM

Yes I am also in favour of regulations to discourage scam and unprofessional projects. I have also read others' comments. Some of them say regulations are not in need as regulations would not control scam projects. Yes regulations would not root out scam projects and it cannot be expected as well. But regulations will help control them and make crypto market systematic.

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September 29, 2019, 05:26:20 PM

no we don't need regulations at all and the worst part is that regulation is not going to solve anything in the way you think they are!

the same scams are going to continue to happen if not more if this market was heavily regulated and people were restricted about what they could create. that would just push people into off-the-market and in shady places for trading.

the solution to the problem you are concerned with is so easy! people simply have to stop giving away their money to any random person who asks for it in return for garbage.

The big question is how regulation will be implemented, who will implement and will the investors follow these regulators, and what's the guaranty that they are not going to be corrupt, remember the rating site are doing great in their early days until they accept paid listing and that's where everything starts.
They accept dubious projects in their premium listing or giving good ratings to projects that turned out to be scam.

well the problem is solved, that this is about money and money has changed everything. I just want to give an example like a famous gift manager. I don't need to mention who he is and I think you are familiar with them.

most prize hunters are always waiting for the launch of the project managed by the suspect, because they think the suspect's background has a good reputation in managing each project beforehand and is successful in the market.
but when investors and prize hunters are very close and believe in projects managed by suspects and ultimately suspects are blinded by money, money has made suspects go wild and not care about the fate of investors or the trust of their communities.
and I haven't seen the latest news about the suspect in one year, I'm waiting to prove to the public that he's the brain behind everything. I don't want the community to be trapped again by the bullshit of the suspect.
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September 29, 2019, 06:10:54 PM

Yes, you are right. In this ecosystem the regulation is very much needed. Cause the crypto ecosystem is getting worse day by day. The the reasons behind this are scams and bad people. But I think if regulation come anyday it will help a bit to clean this things. But also there are some problems regarding regulations also.

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September 29, 2019, 07:22:44 PM

Sometimes I feel we are very lazy. Many shady and scam projects gave an address before the ICO. But after ICO they scammed people like Cryptasits project, Hashcard. But we did not care about their scamming behavior. STO projects are registered, right? But still, they are scamming, like the Orbis Transfer project! The crypto space was full of fake developers, I agree with you that, the new crypto projects need to go under regulations!


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September 29, 2019, 07:42:28 PM

Yes, Yes, of course! What did they say about a city with no rules? Uh, I dont know, haha. But really though, we really some regulations. I think we keep moving back and forth on some certains things because the cryptosphere is actually not regulated. But the question now is; who is going to take charge of this, or how are we going to go about the regulation? cos, really this is very important, and should be treated as top priority.

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September 29, 2019, 08:11:00 PM

Apart from scam artists in crypto space we have too many unprofessional developers that falsely act like they are really good in a particular field and try to build blockchain based projects but failed in the end,if there is really any way to make blockchain available to only professionals that are qualified it would have been a different story for crypto,even scammers wont have a chance,this is why i think we need REGULATIONS pretty bad.
I am an ardent supporter of regulation its obvious that the crypto space had been crowded with scams no one can hardly pinpoint a scam-free blockchain projects these days had it been every every new ICO entrant was regulated thus confidence will be reposed and sanity will be brought into the system however the issue of anonymity will have come into play invariably discouraging some investors due to KYC and identity related issues.
As far as transacting cryptos without a third party and anonymously the issue of regulating it might not see the light at the end of the day.

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October 05, 2019, 02:07:41 PM

I feel many developers jump into this market without domain knowledge their focus is only to collect the funds most of them are not serious about their projects that's the reason many projects get failed. Every person has a different-different perception of regulation. I believe regulation is much much needed so that scammers will not dare to start the project only serious developers will launch their project.

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October 05, 2019, 02:38:31 PM

I strongly agree that there are regulations for new projects that want to implement ICO or IEO. Prioritized regulations for the development team, and the concepts they put forward. And it's better the product is finished first than just offering ideas. So investors think developers are indeed serious about running their projects.

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October 05, 2019, 09:23:36 PM

Oh, it won't do any good, it'll only make the problem worse. Do you think that only highly qualified specialists work in all spheres? And blockchain is no exception.

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