I will report any insult thrown at me. If you give an answer, give an explanation, not a line that has no meaning.
So let me summarize:
A supposed c++ developper installs pool software for a feature without verifying the feature is present, configured,
or knowing how to use it, asks for help to
use the feature, completely misunderstands the instructions,
blames the responder, challenges his competence, then whines about being insulted.
It's your competence that's in question.
If I ask the question here it is because I don't know the answer, you can say to same about anyone who is asking questions. "you are incompetent because you don't know the answer". That's supposed to be a smart answer.
Everybody has to learn.
If you don't know the answer no need to reply.
If you know the answer, show how you are smarter than I and explain exactly how the MC= parameter is sent from the cpuminer to the stratum, then from the stratum to the block notify to the right wallet.
This code is non existant in Yiimp. So actually only shared mining is supported. That's my problem.
I want to understand, and if you think that I am incompetent because I don't have the answer, then explain me, and show me your knowledge.