I often use website archiving websites like
Archive.is and
Archive.orgto save pages or user activity on Bitcointalk forum.
I was thinking that good solution would be to use blockchain for archiving pages forever.
I experimented with Arweave archiving, and I found one more website called Etched
that is saving pages on 'Bitcoin' blockchain
(but in reality it is saving it on CW shitcoin BSV) Etched is an internet archive tool that permanently timestamps and stores web pages directly into the
bitcoin blockchain.
This is a major improvement from traditional web archivers as all etched pages are permanently stored
and independently proveable by anyone who has access to the
bitcoin blockchain. This means even if
etched shuts down anyone can search and view all previously saved data using bitcoin browsers like Bottle.
https://bottle.bitdb.network/ EDIT:
It is using BSV network, so the whole website is misleading people,
and it is NOT recommended!