By the way, for privacy on Telegram, there are some steps that Telegram users should aware to increase their privacy and prevent contacts from strangers, and scammers.
Phone number privacy:Who can see my phone number: I suggest to choose "Nobody".
Who can find me by my number:I suggest to choose "My contacts"
Group invite settings:Who can add me to groups and channels: I suggest to choose "My contacts"
Personally, I don't have demands to make friends with strangers, so I modify some settings like that.
Q: Who can see my phone number?
On Telegram, you can send messages in private chats and groups without making your phone number visible. By default, your number is only visible to people who you've added to your address book as contacts. You can further modify this in Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone Number.
Note that people will always see your number if they know it already and saved it in their address book.
Furthermore, in case you get such bad attempts to scam from strangers, let report them
Q: What happened to my account?
When users press the ‘Report spam’ button in a chat, they forward these messages to our team of moderators for review. If the moderators decide that the messages deserved this, the account becomes limited temporarily.
This means that if you have been sending unwanted messages to random strangers or posting spam in groups, you lose the ability to do so.