I want to take part in this. it looks fun and I want to try out your system but I am very disappointed. Your website
https://miner.coinfly.cc/ is down.
I did fill in the form though. Why are you not replying here to anyone? I don't know how serious to take this.
Seems like I'm hitting it off with the beta-testing thingy but my concern is about the fees once the trial finishes. That would be no cool at all if they are going to go through the roof, just saying.
Ya, I wonder too. Honestly, the benefits they offer us are not that great. They just bonuses. I think the main deal is that $5-$20 but it seems inactive and we have no idea how to go from the $5 to up to $20
Hello! The cloud provider that was used for the services of our portal and collecting telemetry encountered a chain of technical problems starting from 10.22.2019. Instead of restoring services and stabilizing, the situation developed according to a negative scenario and led to a state of complete inoperability of the mentioned services by 15:30 on 25.10. Until now, the provider’s specialists have not provided service recovery. We decided to migrate to another more reliable cloud service. We estimate the recovery time of our services - 15:00 UTC. All user data is intact and will be restored. We will update information as the situation develops.
After filling the form, you should have received a mail with instructions. Didn’t it come? Pls join our telegram group
https://t.me/thecoinfly or pm @gudwinn
About benefits, you are right. We will make the rules clearer. 20$ for using our platform 3 days and posting a report. Everything you mine remains with you.