The first digit of numbers often follow Benford's law. Manipulation of those numbers by humans can be detected via corresponding statistic tests since humans cannot produce numbers following the needed distribution(s) (except they use a computer and know, that the original data follows Benford's law): something to think about and to discuss (but maybe I used the following tools wrongly):
Some R:; # für Zeitumrechnung
library(benford.analysis); # für Benford
temp <- tempfile();
download.file("", temp);
table <- read.csv(gzfile(temp));
# Benennung der Spalten
colnames(table) <- c("EPOCH", "PRICE", "VOLUME");
# Anfügen einer neuen Spalten mit den Daten (Datums), da ansonsten Epochs
table <- cbind(table, "DATE"=anydate(table[,1], "CEST"));
x <- benford(table$PRICE);
y <- getSuspects(x, table);
#hist(as.Date(y$DATE), breaks=1000);
hist(as.Date(unique(y$DATE)), breaks=314)
z <- y[grepl("2019", y$DATE),];
Some results:
General distribution of bitstamp's price digits:
General statistics of data:
Benford object:
Data: table$PRICE
Number of observations used = 34361833
Number of obs. for second order = 1636552
First digits analysed = 2
Statistic Value
Mean 0.58
Var 0.10
Ex.Kurtosis -1.19
Skewness -0.46
The 5 largest deviations:
digits absolute.diff
1 10 820554.5
2 20 604793.2
3 19 575172.8
4 11 574876.8
5 18 561510.5
Pearson's Chi-squared test
data: table$PRICE
X-squared = 11178000, df = 89, p-value < 2.2e-16
Mantissa Arc Test
data: table$PRICE
L2 = 0.090839, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD): 0.005221502
MAD Conformity - Nigrini (2012): Nonconformity
Distortion Factor: 21.44937
Time points where price digits do not follow Benford's law:
The corresponding time points for 2019 (
note the date, when this started and when it ended!):
[1] "2019-06-21" "2019-06-22" "2019-06-23" "2019-06-24" "2019-06-27"
[6] "2019-06-28" "2019-06-30" "2019-07-01" "2019-07-02" "2019-07-03"
[11] "2019-07-05" "2019-07-06" "2019-07-11" "2019-07-13" "2019-07-14"
[16] "2019-07-15" "2019-07-16" "2019-07-18" "2019-07-19" "2019-07-20"
[21] "2019-07-21" "2019-07-22" "2019-07-23" "2019-07-25" "2019-07-27"
[26] "2019-07-31" "2019-08-01" "2019-08-02" "2019-08-03" "2019-08-04"
[31] "2019-08-05" "2019-08-13" "2019-08-14" "2019-08-15" "2019-08-16"
[36] "2019-08-17" "2019-08-18" "2019-08-19" "2019-08-20" "2019-08-21"
[41] "2019-08-22" "2019-08-23" "2019-08-24" "2019-08-25" "2019-08-26"
[46] "2019-08-27" "2019-08-28" "2019-09-02" "2019-09-03" "2019-09-04"
[51] "2019-09-05" "2019-09-06" "2019-09-07" "2019-09-08" "2019-09-09"
[56] "2019-09-10" "2019-09-11" "2019-09-12" "2019-09-13" "2019-09-14"
[61] "2019-09-15" "2019-09-16" "2019-09-17" "2019-09-18" "2019-09-19"
[66] "2019-09-20" "2019-09-21" "2019-09-22" "2019-09-23"