Welcome to CaribeCoin
What is CaribeCoin?
It is a cryptocurrency with its own blockchain, designed to contribute to the environment using a POS algorithm that considerably reduces energy use and does not require expensive computers to generate coins.
CaribeCoin is designed to be accessible to any user and become a mechanism for all of us to generate very good profits.
Specifications of CaribeCoin
Coin abbreviation: CARIBE
Algorithm: SCRYPT
Type: POS
Last POW block: 1000
Total Currencies: 35000000000 CaribeCoin
Block halving: 650000
Preminated: 14000000 Caribecoin (0,04%)
Block Time: 1 minute
Blocks per day: 1440
Minimum staking time: 1 hour
Maturation time: 19 blocks
Target timespan: 20 minutes
Transaction confirmations: 7 blocks
Reward System:
Block 1 to 650000 730% year 2 % per day
Block 650000 to 749999 584% year 1.6 % per day
Block 749999 to 849999 438% year 1.2 % per day
Block 849999 to 999999 365% year 1 % per day
Block 999999 to until the end 360% year 0.82 % per day Ports: RPC port 14207
P2P port 14208
On Monday, October 7, the pre-sale of CaribeCoin will begin.
Each CaribeCoin coin will have a value of 0.005 USD and the minimum purchase is 200 coins.
1 CaribeCoin = 0.005 usd
200 CaribeCoin = 1 usdRegister to our Telegram channel and contact us to make the purchase
https://t.me/joinchat/H1Bs_0rV4Zb33RhPu6Moawhttps://discord.gg/WzExhTPWALLET AND SOURCE
Wallet Windows: https://github.com/jovannyd/CaribeCoin/releases/download/Caribe/caribecoin-qt-windows-x32.zipEXCHANGE