I believe that Bitcoin still has a very long way to go. Back when the price of Bitcoin was 20k, the average US income would have been just about 2 and a half bitcoin, an absolute insane feat for bitcoin to have achieved but was only short lived. However, it is possible that we will one day see that price once again and my prediction is that by 2023 we will have past that price and bitcoin will be headed for the moon.
Most likely, the number of bitcoins will decrease, as the price will increase many times
Definitely have to agree with you here, with the upcoming halvings, the amount of bitcoin entering circulation will continue to decrease and therefore the price will continue increasing due to the simultaneous increase in demand which will occur due to more people being educated about bitcoin.
In 1st quarter of 2013, the price of bitcoin was $135 so if it was over 286BTC, the calculation would be 286BTC * $135 = $38,610 approx. But the ending price for that year increased to $700.
While for 2018, the bottom was $3,300 and the calculation is 8.4BTC * $3,300 = $27,720 approx. I don't understand the metrics and price range that the chart took if there's a specific price that he has used as basis. And as for 2023 predictions, due to that chart the price of bitcoin obviously increased so what if around 2-4BTC?
Why would they use the minimum price of bitcoin during that year? Surely they would have used the average price.