My answer geared towards bitcoin based coins :-
Mobile staking depends on the client (wallet) type and this has three approaches, namely Normal Staking, SPV Staking and Offline Staking.
Normal stakingNormal staking as you already know requires running a full node, this means you have a computer that has a complete and up to date validated copy of the bockchain. It takes coins based on maturity from the wallet and attempts to create and sign a block , we call this a coinstake.
There is a general misconception that a wallet needs to be online 24/7 in order to stake. this is false. All a wallet needs really is mature coins. So with a currency that has a 24 hour maturity or maturity dependent on block count, your wallet could be offline 99% of the time, you only start it around the time of maturity, sync with the chain, stake , wait for confirms then tuen it off. Rinse and repeat every maturity period.
To stake normally on a mobile device the fastest approach is to adapt the core wallet to work on mobile devices. This is something i have already achieved See below scren shot of my test case Bitcointalkcoin :-
ProsThis is by far the fastest way to get it done right now.
Developers need only maintain one codebase that is used across all platforms
Standardization is easier due to familiar controls
Developments, updates and upgrades in Bitcoin and PoS coins in general can easily be applied and deployed across all
The wallet can be used as a full node
In the case of coins with masternodes, you can have mobile masternodes
ConsIf the chain grows too large, syncing via mobile networks can become tedious.
the interface was originally designed for desktops and requires mobification to be usable on mobile (touch) devices. Especially so with small screen devices such as phones.
SPV StakingSPV staking is something I have been working to develop and basically involves enabling clients (wallets) to stake without the need to have a complete copy of the blockchain.
Essentially clients would request the necessary data from existing full nodes on the chain. At the moment i am working on enabling SPV staking in the typical core wallet as well as a dedicated light wallet.
ProsFaster sync times
Far lower data overhead
ConsRequires trusting other nodes
Other than the staked blocks, does not add to network stability
Offline Staking Offline staking is still conceptual and i am not yet sure how to secure the network in that scenario while maintaining complete decentralization.
So to summarize, mobile staking is already a reality from where i stand. The next step is just making it wide spread. The real goal for me now is reliable SPV staking.
If anyone has questions, feel free to ask.