achow, I believe this thread should be stickied, for all newbies to read before the trolls get them with the wrong information first.
Like the first half of the original post?
That all non-mining full nodes validate? Point out the mistakes and let's discuss. It's always good to learn from one another, and learn which people are serious and which are the trolls.
oh windy. [facepalm]
if anything should be learned is now that new opcodes and transaction formats can be slid in without hardforks as they please. it should actually be very much highlighted that not all nodes on the network are the newest up-to-date full archiving nodes able to understand all the new txformats.
this means
a. not all nodes actually fully validate, take people running nodes that are not segwit compatible,, they do not validate segwit signatures/scripts(now called witnesses) instead they blindly see a tx format they do not understand and presume its safe as they recieved the block containing the tx from a peer so the peer must have validated it(trust not full validation). and the same goes for even more newer differing tx formats. again for importance without checking that the spending addresses scripts/signatures validate.
b. also apart from the criteria of validation, to be a TRUE "full node" you ned to be archival thus able to seed data for your peers to get. this also not unanimous to all peers as some run in pruned mode, etc.
just go check and you will see at time of writing this. out of 9200 nodes listed only 6400 nodes are uptodate to the latest rule following standards of what would be "full node" standard.
c. some nodes use checkpoints(min chain work) and when initially syncing the blockchain. they dont validate every transactions and every block from genesis, they just download the blockchain and only validate transactions/blocks after the milestoned point indicated. again presuming if the peers have the same then it must be good.
which from a security point
presuming a new funky txformat not yet understood is 'valid' or early blocks are 'valid' purely due to presumption/trust that peers done their jobs for you. is bad bad security
specially if its only one group of devs that decide what chainwork to have as the default
If someone who starts a new full node for the first time knows about any valid blocks, they can then provide the highest-height one of those blocks to Bitcoin Core 0.14.0 and the software will skip verifying signatures in the blocks before the assumed valid block. Since verifying signatures consumes a lot of CPU during IBD, using assumed valid blocks can significantly speed up IBD. All blocks after the assumed valid block will still have their signatures checked normally
New users to Bitcoin probably won’t know about any valid blocks, but they probably also won’t know all the consensus rules—so they can simply use the copy of the full node software they download. Bitcoin Core 0.14.0 ships with a default assumed valid block that is set during the release process by having multiple well-known developers each confirm that a certain block is known to be valid by them
'trust core' [facepalm] (do you start seeing that core have more power than an open community want)
d. even without you knowing the technicals. you seem to be trying to want to make this point for a popular social debate going on about presuming who has the real power in the network. EG trying to hide the fact that devs and the major exchanges have sway
however in social attack scenarios. if you as a node runner are told merchants and miners are being made to accept one version of a block the home users react by upgrading thier node to that version out of fear that they will get thrown off the network or be unable to spend thier funds because the merchants dont recognise them if they end up on the wrong version.
yep thats right merchants and miners have more sway because people fear being left off a network that is not compatible with their favourite merchant.
take the min chainwork stuff by cor and merchants using nodes with cores prefered minchainwork. means nodes not wanting to be core sheep dont get a voice. thus core and merchants have more power than home users to decide what the rules are
(as proven by the controversy of the NYA and august 1st 2017 drama )
anyway back to the technicals and point.
if a node is not 1037 its not doing all the full node requirements but is treated blindly as being a fullnode in respect of being on the network
not all nodes validate everything.even gmax is very wishy washy about it
It might also be worth mentioning that most of the validation is typically done *before* the block comes in. In Bitcoin a great effort has been made to design things so that most of the validation is a pure function of the transaction-- for almost all rules given transaction is either valid or invalid depending only on its own content and nothing else. The exceptions to this are checking that the inputs exist and aren't already spent, checking that the transaction nlocktimes are valid according to the block time, and checking that various block-wide global limits are obeyed (primarily that the block weight isn't exceeded).
for instance some nodes are not 'native' segwit ready thus although they are network nodes they are not validating segwit signatures/scripts.