saving the world stuff aside, what is your financial incentive for doing this?
Great question and should've been addressed in the original post. The common bond in our group is that we we have all been mining cryptocurrencies for years and truly enjoy it. We're a group of hardware nerds that have been overclocking since the first Athlons. Our only expected profits will be based on a committed, collective mining effort. We're hoping it will be worth millions and millions of worthless fiat. Mining is our financial incentive, donating millions more to charity is our personal.
Speaking personally, I think the amount of coins being created with the specific purpose of being traded on exchanges is alarming and should be cause for concern(dare I say, bubble?). I feel like everyone knows we should be spending more of our time finding immediate real world applications and actually making it happen.
To be even more frank, the primary purpose of most emerging coins is most commonly an initial pump, immediate dump, arbitrage for a couple of months(maybe) and then effectively die. Sure you can make some profits repeatedly doing that, and we have been doing so for a while(not making coins obviously)..but if you truly believe your coin serves a purpose, are you REALLY spending the majority of your time convincing people of this? That means phone calls, meetings, presentations, getting off your ass. Are you doing those things first OR you trying to get listed on a new exchange or implement a new wallet feature?