October 22, 2019, 05:01:34 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 06:43:20 AM by nakamura12 |
Another entry: Did Not Count!
Another art of mine with a very short story with it. I am who I am and I can see your bitcoin in your wallet.Wait, what? You can see my bitcoins?. I don't think so. Hmm, where's my shield?. Ahh, here it is.Edit: My previous entry is here BTC address: 3D8gscwkGSm8mTu5YzNvcVGp5eKCVMCd5F
Jr. Member
Activity: 135
Merit: 4
October 22, 2019, 05:08:52 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 06:50:34 AM by pohank Merited by theymos (2), Veleor (1) |
I become a contestant, wish me luck  14y5eVuXqbdVMgoYWTAWwQjc4G9E3RPKdA
October 22, 2019, 05:30:51 AM Last edit: October 23, 2019, 12:59:46 PM by Rodeo02 |
My first entry not finish yet.  update to make it more visible to view  color added 
Activity: 14
Merit: 3
October 22, 2019, 05:53:16 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 08:36:33 AM by kilatis12 Merited by theymos (2), Veleor (1) |
actually I don't know much about bitcointalk, so this is all I can do, because I like and work in the design field. : submit other my design please help me to show my image  13jgh3Y7rAUz6xq72x5N7CNoiTJ8WsdW1A thanks
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11733
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
October 22, 2019, 05:59:14 AM |
Don't judge me. Not an artist. This is supposed to reflect the current state of this forum that has more altcoin talkers than Bitcoin.  Seems a bit glass half full-ish, but hey what do I know? It is straight-forward message "art" of a "NOT artist" (your words, not mine). Go figure!!
1) Self-Custody is a right. Resist being labelled as: "non-custodial" or "un-hosted." 2) ESG, KYC & AML are attack-vectors on Bitcoin to be avoided or minimized. 3) How much alt (shit)coin diversification is necessary? if you are into Bitcoin, then 0%......if you cannot control your gambling, then perhaps limit your alt(shit)coin exposure to less than 10% of your bitcoin size...Put BTC here: bc1q49wt0ddnj07wzzp6z7affw9ven7fztyhevqu9k
I admit that I don't know how to draw, so I made an effort (maybe two) to try to draw something   3EKaLpux9mNNtSB3hWgoFjvLYne6TfKKJZ
Activity: 4200
Merit: 2368
Verified awesomeness ✔
October 22, 2019, 07:06:45 AM |
Some of you might not find these as an art but for me it does. Meme is an art of expressing your feelings or ideas of a particular subject through a funny and wholesome manner  . And I think it's the thought that really counts, right? Memes are a form of art in my opinion, so have some merit 
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Advertisements are not endorsed by me.
Activity: 2464
Merit: 1189
Need Campaign Manager?PM on telegram @sujonali1819
October 22, 2019, 07:10:27 AM Last edit: November 19, 2019, 01:17:19 AM by sujonali1819 Merited by malevolent (3), Yatsan (2), Corrosive (2), Mitchell (1), tyz (1), Halab (1), DdmrDdmr (1) |
Thinking about something unique and make this. And I draw this with a gel pen. Hope you enjoy this.    Happy 10th Anniversary BTC 35R5VT4LTPSRoUXqmxupwLzD8ewNLyzHXS
. .BLACKJACK ♠ FUN. | | | ███▄██████ ██████████████▀ ████████████ █████████████████ ████████████████▄▄ ░█████████████▀░▀▀ ██████████████████ ░██████████████ █████████████████▄ ░██████████████▀ ████████████ ███████████████░██ ██████████ | | CRYPTO CASINO & SPORTS BETTING | | │ | | │ | .
Activity: 3948
Merit: 6776
Looking for campaign manager? Contact icopress!
October 22, 2019, 07:49:06 AM |
Although I've just made it, I don't know if the idea is original.  Happy 10th Anniversary Bitcointalk! 3J5nuMBFXWFTWmTPej5rLTU5on2EH2VNRD
Copper Member

Activity: 200
Merit: 47
October 22, 2019, 08:24:00 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 10:41:08 AM by AppliedOptimal Merited by OgNasty (2), theymos (1), DdmrDdmr (1) |
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1130
Hi, This is my second Entry. it took me 3 hours to finish it.  This is probably how I would celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Bitcointalk, of course with my little companion. During After My address: 19ec5PofXRFDTfSH24hQqea7XF4wr4sAeS
Activity: 3230
Merit: 1227
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
Notice there was an 10th anniversary, art is art, along the way I just made.  1BebX3HMNgAYKXACiaKXSD6VUfrMqygCco

Activity: 122
Merit: 58
October 22, 2019, 09:01:10 AM Last edit: October 24, 2019, 09:34:07 AM by samidbangkit |
I made this picture with approximately 930 member usernames, which I took from , takes 3 hours to make the picture, if there are excess members in the list please forgive.  satoshi theymos Cyrus hilariousandco mrpep Mr. Big OgNasty qwk CanaryInTheMine Otoh molecular PsychoticBoy lightlord coblee Claymore Meni Rosenfeld organofcorti fluffypony Kluge Guy Corem cbeast Transisto gmaxwell Dabs achow101 OmegaStarScream phantastisch EFS Welsh Flying Hellfish =-ck sapta xandry malevolent dbshck Halab Xal0lex franckuestein HostFat Vod Lauda philipma1957 SaltySpitoon TECSHARE TheNewAnon135246 suchmoon hilariousandco minerjones DannyHamilton Mitchell mprep yahoo62278 sidehack LFC_Bitcoin dooglus BitcoinPenny The Pharmacist EcuaMobi owlcatz zazarb LoyceV xhomerx10 yogg Stunna minifrij Lesbian Cow 1Referee vizique Timelord2067 AT101ET kingcolex roslinpl Carlton Banks actmyname wheelz1200 DarkStar_ smooth Blazed kano JayJuanGee Lutpin RHavar NLNico babo grue tmfp ranochigo chronicsky ocminer Limx Dev SyGambler cryptodevil krogothmanhattan Hhampuz Tomatocage shorena Avirunes TMAN micgoossens lightfoot SebastianJu squall1066 Foxpup TheButterZone DaveF ICOEthics marlboroza smoothie gentlemand Elwar Searing franky1 Lincoln6Echo bones261 odolvlobo anonymousminer Biodom d5000 BayAreaCoins Kryptowerk ChiBitCTy jbreher Coolcryptovator wttbs buckrogers cAPSLOCK nutildah coinlocket$ DebitMe miffman killyou72 JimboToronto ezeminer Lafu dozerz Quickseller QuestionAuthority allinvain teeGUMES Globb0 DooMAD SFR10 DogecoinMachine DireWolfM14 asche Paashaas Torque Jet Cash vapourminer frankbitcoin 600watt iluvbitcoins yxt Sampey infofront ETFbitcoin dazedfool Luke-Jr bitspill pooya87 lovesmayfamilis StarenseN notserp shasan NeuroticFish Last of the V8s NotFuzzyWarm Hueristic Rmcdermott927 hybridsole jeremypwr Agrawas alexrossi monkeynuts greenplastic iCEBREAKER CrazyGuy Ticked OneNattyLitecoin Kialara bL4nkcode Spendulus o_e_l_e_o marcus_of_augustus monbux Abdussamad ibminer roycilik bitpop kurious Spazzer iasenko mocacinno mezzomix polymerbit BitcoinNewsMagazine HCP fronti KWH bittawm dogie Veleor theyoungmillionaire Gyrsur xtraelv LeGaulois Piggy adaseb JanEmil batesresearch Kakmakr CryptoImperator Micio Alex_Sr witcher_sense ChipMixer arulbero Ibian TookDk irfan_pak10 jackg Sylon Corrosive dolphriends tvplus006 Vlad2Vlad tyz hilariousetc RodeoX yefi buwaytress digicoinuser redsn0w Technomage Buchi-88 Scott J coin@coin HagssFIN Wekkel MedaR STT yochdog Chefin toknormal guitarplinker cryptohunter Bytekiller phishead jwinterm eternalgloom gbianchi laszlo diks BoXXoB FortuneJack bigtimespaghetti Cloudbet goatpig mindrust eleuthria jojo69 BurtW TwinWinNerD nullius taikuri13 BadBear romanornr lassdas Stemby crowetic chek2fire krach mole0815 TheFuzzStone BADecker Zwei JollyGood the joint aTriz willi9974 kashish948 Hal shdvb Vispilio BitcoinFX b!z dothebeats legendster qwizzie str4wm4n hacker1001101001 pugman Theb Anon136 Lucius MICRO harizen Gleb Gamow spartak_t Daniel91 deisik bavicrypto Anduck starsoccer9 izanagi narukami HerbPean Phinnaeus Gage seoincorporation 2weiX jstefanop crackfoo ninjaboon BitMaxz Antuam Stedsm devans stereotype Pistachio mhanbostanci mdude77 JohnUser ZipReg BobLawblaw JWU42 ekiller klintay John (John K.) dEBRUYNE Joel_Jantsen Febo sirazimuth Ale88 Prelude Zepher Mr. Big Gunthar bitcoinminer42 bithalo Biffa Hox hedgy73 jayce DdmrDdmr MaoChao superresistant icey CryptInvest casinobitco Michail1 FiniteByDesign Fattcatt Steamtyme TwitchySeal fillippone Syke pallas tvbcof 1miau os2sam alani123 HairyMaclairy abhiseshakana Balthazar Anon39 mikeywith DrHaribo bob123 Grumlin FAN neiros Stephen Gornick joniboini Sukrim comit bitmover Mrstacy TryNinja bitkilo Zebedee23 becoin ewibit BitCryptex markm hugeblack VB1001 RyNinDaCleM TraderTimm Toxic2040 morvillz7z NitrogenSports Zeroxal cr1776 mu_enrico Joca97 Pursuer nubbins devthedev peloso jackbauercsgo GenTarkin pjcltd Husna QA yo-blin snarlpill ralle14 Coding Enthusiast Herbert2020 cryptoheadd kenzawak teramit criptix pedrog ErikvanBreen CryptopreneurBrainboss pandukelana2712 Xprim777 PHI1618 ArticMine countryfree Carra23 elianite Mushroomized tokeweed wwzsocki bryant.coleman Fortify Goran_ VoskCoin jelin1984 BG4 tranthidung Amph mindtrip Unacceptable DNotes markj113 Majormax bassguitarman Poloherb MikeMike stompix tothemoonsands MicroGuy Eodguy149 Serpens66 chimk cooldgamer Rassah xetsr Pmalek rdbase d_eddie haploid23 capoeira Coin-1 casascius arklan HeRetiK igorokkk nc50lc MRBONG411 mjglqw Artemis3 Matthias9515 Wendigo eddie13 tweetious Heisenberg_Hunter Aswan igor72 serp Come-from-Beyond kzv aundroid mrbrt hazarun AdolfinWolf dArkjON cabalism13 Ente start the art Cryptolator GameKyuubi 2112 IBGigglin Tytanowy Janusz Royse777 TheAnalogKid af_newbie zekoroger johhnyUA DrBeer TommyBitcoin poptop klaaas bill gator Crypto_Collection S3052 madnessteat cryptovigi bitserve xenon131 almightyruler ulrich909 hephaist0s erikalui condoras iglasses sncc vgo gravitate Fruitmandje Smart man iGotSpots sardasa Raja_MBZ elokk GreatArkansas u9y42 JSRAW cryptonit Peeps Place pereira4 DiamondCardz Hiroaki Scheede Zapo ghibly79 BTCMILLIONAIRE Plutosky picchio bobsag3 Saint-loup jubalix ndnh bitguy101 nullCoiner IronMarvel2 pitipawn welshcollectibles cwil notbatman AverageGlabella allyouracid Ov3R BTCC_Official khaled0111 BTCforJoe Hyena jajorda23 Yankee (BitInstant) asu mortare finaleshot2016 TheQuin by rallier masulum defaced Portnoy BitAddict jack0m sofu ryzaadit ManeBjorn MinermanNC NattyLiteCoin SHIBANU Cablez Beoga Zyro esmanthra goraset squatter trbittr vit05 sandy-is-fine bobbyclee aliashraf 2stout bestcoin_59 anatolikostis sabotag3x BTCcollector19 mishax1 figmentofmyass djjacket girino arielbit wafdawg piotr_n Dogedigital wachtwoord bct_ail deadley tk808 r1s2g3 hopenotlate hatshepsut93 explorder dkbit98 EPiSKiNG Alex077 FontSeli Bees Brothers Xtc deeperx mnightwaffle GIANNAT s1lverbox Wardrick crwth Bit_Happy Nightowlace hd49728 Lairew RejectedBanana URSAY mdayonliner ziomik audiotopix paxmao ImI quakefiend420 Tupsu EmilioMann duesoldi zvs stingleword Pamoldar whywefight Muhammed Zakir sheenshane Finksy kwukduck Baofeng CryptKeeper Baryom afbitcoins NewkTownTN trantute2 A-10 t309 AlyattesLydia cyclops Rocou tim-bc explorer bspus squatz1 dzimbeck selffish fullzero imhoneer gawlea klondike_bar micromen gospodin leonello aso118 logfiles FallingKnife Untold Lambie Slayer Shawshank wheresmycoin madmartyk bitebits tbct_mt2 Trader Steve Nestade Velkro naypalm elda34b klaus dserrano5 camolist BrewMaster adamstgBit piit79 pawel7777 Wind_FURY notme tonych No_2 Trofo kawetsriyanto TitanBTC mithrim BitcoinAccepted sarcheer podyx Lakai01 kingscrown Zeta0S jsmit332 Ejarwan klarki ThomasV Cryptology BlockEye mstfprcn CIYAM wh1rlw1nd vm1990 Benson Samuel wlefever nzminer alice_bob TalkStar Patatas Isildur (official) Bttzed03 iwantapony jjiimm_64 binaryFate ThatRandomDude kjlimo Paolo.Demidov needypoo Hellmouth42 BCB baba0000000000 windjc Lone Shark Xynerise CoinHoarder MisO69 thedreamer Ramelius BitcoinPappi boopy265420 amishmanish Betcoin.AG goldkingcoiner RichDaniel niktitan132 BitcoinTurk sluppy szenekonzept dishwara vlad230 Collectcrypto Remember remember the 5th of November BigBitz ivomm RoadStress Evil-Knievel IronMarvel Hilde X sgbett Juliya_D tbearhere leonArdo@margin crypmike Josh kirreev070 alpet PrimeNumber7 groggin ChekaZ Macadonian johnyj S_Therapist Wolf Rainer cestmoi tiggytomb bobita Rw13enlib88 Abiky Slark MoxnatyShmel GrosWesh oneforall lazlopanaflex kimosan bitbunnny MaliceRed el kaka22 yazher AGD zentdex frankenmint goxed johoe zonefloor TheKoziTwo needmoney terrapinflyer Aerys2 landomata Cheeseater alex bond nicolasgramlich Pab BITMIXER.IO bitcon tspacepilot Dargo joter85 athanz88 DrG MadZ kelsey Eliovp crazyearner cryptonic21 KaChingCoinDev saulzaents sammy007 RuSS512 Jonesd tarzan2 Parodium Karartma1 numanoid Vaporware identifyuser XERES Ajpa94 astrocity1981 fine99 edgar SM23031997 Tukang Becak anorganix ATMcoin Rabinovitch Bitcoinwaist Polkeins yussuf89 ClearSky8 mladen00 Smartprofit NCCrypto77 jimlite BookofNick TheBobyHunter quasimodo PuraPuraBego Woshib Rosewater Foundation btctalk qiwoman2 Slow death steelboy omer-jamal snailbrain TheUltraElite SwingFirst valkir K1773R M4cca rammy2k2 Liad.Services jl2012 Tzupy fr4nkthetank notaek LibertValance wgd gameristo BTCevo jillscarbrough oscar2000 aleksej996 Twinscoin2017 defcon23 Piston Honda RoomBot F2b Sitarow julerz12 Speculatoross curiosity81 HCLivess ca333 SuperTA reb0rn21 exstasie nathansenn deadsea33 techman cellard etoque ui_zakharchenko mxxxxxx Zedpastin trademark panjay Zz Phil_S Mjbmonetarymetals sp_ Silent26 WorldCoiner Moloch hahay bbxx Thirdspace panjul07 davecoin Hydrogen DaRude cypherdoc DobZombie Icygreen herzmeister JohnGalt Yaplatu Starlightbreaker iluvpcs darosior vokain C�bra Farul casper77 crashoveride54902 StartupAnalyst GoldSeal dobetter testz Nikisa frga13 FullLife CoinCube butka YOSHIE culexevilman bathrobehero 1Dq notlist3d ny2cafuse Jakez Cryptopher TERA2 mmortal03 Kemarit layer1gfx elasticband Damnsammit QWeB kokojie techo051 pazor_true fcmatt spectre1989 vroom armedmilitia Kavelj22 justbtcme TotalPanda Sharon121212 geoffreyqp tempus achtung082 Kprawn A-Bolt dsattler cannachris generalizethis friends1980 montreal realr0ach petahasher Jean_Luc ssmc2 Jackblack90909 veleten MrWDunne hanspeter77 NorrisK Koal-84 atchoum6760 avikz whotookmycrypto bidoh designerusa Mariowot Fakhoury bitcoincidence nopara73 jdebunt dogevisitor e-coinomist wakka622 Coin++ Drax TomCrypto woodson LZ adzino tytanick guybrushthreepwood samson m4nki Co1n BtcCrazy1
October 22, 2019, 09:12:31 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 09:37:17 AM by poptok1 |
Copper Member
Full Member
Activity: 235
Merit: 135
To all the E.T fans out there 3C5xkkdDH2rw3qD7CevMcLX3HJP9wiMw4S  b.g is from the E.T poster.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 1753
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
October 22, 2019, 10:21:39 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 01:18:25 PM by wwzsocki |
It's a collage from images I found on Google when I was looking for the word Bitcointalk.  3K4SRdXd6225BQufBPC3qLH2vz4tsadC3Q
Copper Member

Activity: 560
Merit: 64
 ❤️ by step 1, 2, 3, 4.) 327wz5CkDRYGHjkCrj83FL2U36EpopDzGY upd:
Best handmade jewelry 📿 : bracelets, amulets, earrings ❤️handmade❤️ 🕉 pm 🕉 Can send by mail worldwide!
October 22, 2019, 11:14:44 AM Last edit: October 22, 2019, 11:28:42 AM by Twentyonepaylots Merited by theymos (20), malevolent (7), Mitchell (3), Yatsan (3), Welsh (2), tyz (1), Darker45 (1), Halab (1), poptok1 (1) |
The Creation of Bitcointalk!!!! Bitcoin wallet add: 1AwFaKzsm7iA7vouQLLzMi61QXHTbtYyY7
Activity: 3094
Merit: 1214
Dragonslots | +13k Slots & Casino Games
October 22, 2019, 11:51:09 AM Last edit: October 23, 2019, 05:31:26 PM by romero121 Merited by theymos (25), OgNasty (2) |