The point is, that in America, all the State courts of the States, are Courts of Record. And because of the 6th, 7th and 9th Articles to the Bill of Rights, the courts can be Common Law Courts of Record.
If the accused demands a Common Law Court of Record in his trial, and if he stands in court, present, unrepresented even by himself (and certainly not an attorney), his accuser must be in court accusing him in person. The accuser must get on the stand and testify to the harm or damage he did to the accused. And there must be evidence and witnesses. The attorney is not allowed to say anything other than to testify, himself, if he has first hand knowledge of the happenings.
If the accuser loses in that he wasn't harmed or damaged, the accused can require the same fine from the accuser that he would have had to pay if he had lost.
Wake up, people. We don't live in a dictatorship by government type of government. We klive in a government where we can stand up and take control directly.
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