1 500 000 ET2 Tokens for the bountyTwitter Campaign - 20%Facebook Campaign - 20% Signature Campaign - 30% YouTube Campaign - 10%Blogs Campaign - 10%Reddit Campaign - 10%
1. The Bounty Program starts on the November 14th, 2019, and ends on the December 2th, 2019.
2. 1.5m worth of ET2 Tokens will be allocated to the Bounty Campaign.
3. Bounty telegram channel:
4. To participate in the Bounty Campaign, you must join
Official Telegram Group and
Bounty Telegram Group.
5. We reserve the right to change Bounty Campaign rules & allocation at any time.
6. All participants have to respect all the rules and for those who have alt accounts will be automatically removed from the Bounty Campaign.
7. Any question or discussion related to Bounty Campaign should be only asked in Bounty Group, not in Official Group.
8. Reports for the week are on
Monday 11:59 PM UTC9. Whenever you are ready to submit your Proof of Authentication by replying to this thread, see below format / sample:
Proof of Authentication:
Bitcointalk Username:
Bitcointalk link:
Telegram username:
ETH Wallet:
Week #1 : November 14, 2019 - November 17, 2019
Week #2 : November 18, 2019 - November 24, 2019
Week #3 : December 25, 2019 - December 02, 2019
Rules:1. Follow Our Official Twitter account:
https://twitter.com/2Ether_2. Your account must be at least 3 months old and must have at least 250 followers.
3. Must use hash tag every Tweet: #2Ether #fork #blockchain #Ethereum #cryptocurrency
4. Participants must post weekly reports on this bounty Thread.
5. You must complete at least 3 retweets and 3 Tweet every week.
6. Do not retweet all the posts in one day.
Weekly Rewards:250-799 Followers - 5 stakes
800-1499 Followers - 10 stakes
1500- 2499 Followers - 15 stakes
2500 - 5000 Followers - 20 stakes
5001 + Followers - 25 stakes
Week #
Twitter Profile link:
Spreadsheet Number :
Tweet :
Rules:1. Must make 12 posts at least a week.
2. Posts must be at least 80 characters long.
3. Accounts with negative trust from DT-2 or DT-1 are not allowed to enroll.
4. Posts in local boards, off-topic, games and rounds, micro earnings and politics and society will not be counted.
5. Report posts in other bounty campaigns will not be counted.
6. Every participant must wear the avatar (except for members that can't).
7. Alternate accounts are not allowed and will lead to a ban on participation in our campaign.
8. Multiple accounts are not allowed and users found using more than one account will be disqualified.
9. You must not remove 2Ether signature and avatar during entire period of campaign and until allowed to do so by campaign manager.
10. Spam and trolling is strictly not allowed.
Weekly Rewards:Jr.Member: 1 stake/week
Member: 2 stakes/week
Full Member: 3 stakes/week
Sr Member: 4 stakes/week
Hero Member: 5 stakes/week
Legendary Member: 6 stakes/week
https://2ether.com --
-- A stable Ethereum fork with a suite of intuitive free tools --
[center]-- https://2ether.com --
-- A stable Ethereum fork with a suite of intuitive free tools --
[center]⦁⦁⦁► [url=https://2ether.com][u]2Ether[/u][/url] ◀︎⦁⦁⦁
▐ █ ▌A stable Ethereum fork with a suite of intuitive free tools for launching infrastructure projects and implementing digital payments ▐ █ ▌
▐ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5201757.0][ Bounty ][/url] ▐ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5201756.0][ ANN ][/url] ▐ [url=https://2ether.com/whitepaper.pdf][ White Paper ][/url] ▐ - [url=https://t.me/blockchain_2ether]Telegram[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/2Ether/]Facebook[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/2Ether_]Twitter[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/TuqG4py]Discord[/url] [url=https://medium.com/@2ether]Medium[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/user/2Ether]Reddit[/url] [url=https://teletype.in/@2ether]Teletype[/url] - ▐
full member
[center][url=https://2ether.com][color=#759EF6]A stable Ethereum fork with a suite of intuitive free tools for launching infrastructure projects and implementing digital payments[/url]
[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#41D1FF]▆[color=#46D1FD]▆[color=#4CD1FB]▆[color=#51D1F9]▆[color=#57D1F8]▆[color=#5CD1F6]▆[color=#62D1F4]▆[color=#67D1F2]▆[color=#6DD1F1]▆[color=#73D1EF]▆[color=#78D1ED]▆[color=#7ED1EC]▆[color=#83D1EA]▆[color=#89D1E8]▆[color=#8ED1E6]▆[color=#94D1E5]▆[color=#99D1E3]▆[color=#9FD1E1]▆[color=#A5D1E0]▆[color=#AAD1DE]▆[color=#B0D1DC]▆[color=#B5D1DA]▆[color=#BBD1D9]▆[color=#C0D1D7]▆[color=#C6D1D5]▆ [url=https://2ether.com][b][color=#759EF6][color=#41D1FF]2[color=#47C9FE]E[color=#4DC1FD]t[color=#53B9FD]h[color=#59B1FC]e[color=#5FA9FC]r[/url] [color=#CCD1D4]▆[color=#C8CED5]▆[color=#C4CCD6]▆[color=#C1CAD8]▆[color=#BDC8D9]▆[color=#BAC6DB]▆[color=#B6C4DC]▆[color=#B2C2DE]▆[color=#AFC0DF]▆[color=#ABBDE0]▆[color=#A8BBE2]▆[color=#A4B9E3]▆[color=#A0B7E5]▆[color=#9DB5E6]▆[color=#99B3E8]▆[color=#96B1E9]▆[color=#92AFEB]▆[color=#8EACEC]▆[color=#8BAAED]▆[color=#87A8EF]▆[color=#84A6F0]▆[color=#80A4F2]▆[color=#7CA2F3]▆[color=#79A0F5]▆[color=#759EF6]▆[color=#759EF6]▆[color=#759EF6]▆[color=#759EF6]▆[color=#759EF6]▆[color=#759EF6]▆[color=#759EF6]▆
⦁⦁⦁ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5201757.0][color=#41D1FF][b]Bounty[/url] ⦁⦁⦁ [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5201756.0][color=#41D1FF][b]ANN[/url] ⦁⦁⦁ [url=https://2ether.com/whitepaper.pdf][color=#41D1FF][b]White Paper[/url] ⦁⦁⦁ [url=https://t.me/blockchain_2ether][color=#41D1FF]Telegram[/url] ⦁ [url=https://medium.com/@2ether][color=#41D1FF]Medium[/url] ⦁ [url=https://2ether.com][color=#41D1FF]Website[/url] ⦁ [url=https://twitter.com/2Ether_][color=#41D1FF]Twitter[/url] ⦁ [url=https://www.reddit.com/user/2Ether][color=#41D1FF]Reddit[/url] ⦁ [url=https://www.facebook.com/2Ether/][color=#41D1FF]Facebook[/url]
[url=https://2ether.com][font=avenir][b][size=24pt][color=#41D1FF]2Ether[/url][/td][td][size=15pt][i][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=20pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=25pt][color=#759EF6]▐[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][url=https://2ether.com][b][size=8pt][color=#759EF6]A stable Ethereum fork with a suite of intuitive free tools for
launching infrastructure projects [color=#41D1FF][i]▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆[/i]
[i]▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆[/i][/color] and implementing digital payments [/url][/td][td][i][size=25pt][color=#759EF6]▐[size=20pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=15pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://2ether.com][size=4pt]
[size=10pt][color=#759EF6][b]The launch is on
December 2, 2019[/td][td][size=15pt][i][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=20pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=25pt][color=#759EF6]▐[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][size=6pt]
[url=https://2ether.com][font=avenir][size=22pt][glow=#41D1FF,2][b][color=white][color=transparent]-[/color]2Ether[color=transparent]-[/color][/url][/td][td][size=15pt][i][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=20pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=25pt][color=#759EF6]▐[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][url=https://2ether.com][b][size=8pt][color=#759EF6]A stable Ethereum fork with a suite of intuitive free tools for
launching infrastructure projects [color=#41D1FF][i]▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆[/i]
[i]▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆[/i][/color] and implementing digital payments [/url][/td][td][i][size=25pt][color=#759EF6]▐[size=20pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=15pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][center][url=https://2ether.com][size=4pt]
[size=10pt][glow=#759EF6,2][color=white][b][color=transparent]-[/color]The launch is on
[color=transparent]-[/color]December 2, 2019[color=transparent]-[/color][/td][td][size=15pt][i][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=20pt][color=#41D1FF]▐[size=25pt][color=#759EF6]▐[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][right][url=https://t.me/blockchain_2ether][size=6pt]
Rules:1. Follow our Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/2Ether/2. Your Facebook account must have at least 250 friend
3. Must use hash tag every post: #2Ether #fork #blockchain #Ethereum #cryptocurrency
4. All Participants must post weekly reports on this bounty thread.
5. You must complete at least 3 reposts and 3 post every week.
6. Do not share all the posts in one day.
Weekly Rewards:250-799 Friends - 10 stakes
800-1499 Friends - 15 stakes
1500- 2499 Friends - 20 stakes
2500 - 5000 Friends - 25 stakes
5001 + Friends/Followers - 30 stakes
Week #
Facebook Profile Link:
Spreadsheet Number:
Rules:1. Low-quality Content will not be accepted.
2. Your content must be original, we don't accept plagiarism especially copying other people's work or websites.
3. The Content should exceed 300 Characters, less than 300 Characters will not be accepted.
4. You can use our logo or image on the content that your post.
5. All content must have at least one website link and White Paper, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook.
6. Only 5 articles per week per account is allowed.
One link of your own Bitcointalk Profile and ETH Address,Telegram username, Bitcointalk username in the bottom of your article or in the comments to prove it is original content.
Rewards:Professional quality: 3 stake
High quality: 2 stake
Medium quality: 1 stake
Rules:1. Content about 2Ether should be a minimum of 3 mins.
2. Content should be original and high quality.
3. Content should be in English.
4. You must have at least 100 subscribers on youtube.
5. Videos that do not have human voice over will only receive 50% of the total bounty.
Rewards:100+ Subscribers: 1 stake/week
500+ Subscribers: 2 stakes/week
1,000+ Subscribers: 3 stakes/week
5,000+ Subscribers: 4 stakes/week
10,000+ Subscribers: 5 stakes/week
Rules:1. Write 5 Quality/Positive reddit posts about 2Ether.
2. Write 5 Quality/Positive reddit comments about 2Ether.
3. For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the cryptocurrency related subreddits like: r/ethereum r/cryptocurrency, r/blockchain and so on.
3. Low-quality, or spammy looking posts will not be accepted.
4. No duplicate posts.
5. All posts must contain -
https://2ether.com6. Multiple accounts registrations, spam, abuse and insults will be removed from the campaign.
7. Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted.
Rewards:50 - 100 Karma: 1 stake/week
101 - 250 Karma: 2 stakes/week
251 - 1,000 Karma: 3 stakes/week
1,001+ Karma: 4 stakes/week