Hey all,
New here as a member to the forum but have gained a lot of knowledge from everyone before becoming a member. Apparently not enough.
I started having problems with my D3 last night. All boards stopped hashing and the kernel log showed that it had reached 85c twice and shutdown. This is the first it's happen since running for months.
Upon reboot all boards came back up except card 1 showed that the PIC was having trouble reading the temp.
I did a reset of the firmware back to factory and everything looked okay except for a few issues:
card 1 54 asic, 22 centigrade, card 2 54 asic, 64 centigrade, card 3 60 asic, 67 centigrade.
The entire time I've owned this nothing has ever gone beyond 70 centigrade on the chip temp, and pcb temp stays at 50.
Card 1 didn't seem to be hashing as well with the others but the temp didn't ever go up, I monitored it for a couple hours while also searching around for a solution to the problem, so I ruled it out as a problem with the firmware, set the mhz to a low level and went to bed.
Woke up and card 1 temp was showing 253 centigrade, which is impossible as the whole thing would be up in smoke. I unplugged the unit and am now asking for help diagnosing the problem on this thing before I burn my house down. And yes I know they aren't profitable but they make a great heater and gave me a chance to dip into the crypto mining which has been a lot of fun.
https://prntscr.com/pxwb1z <--Screenshot of miner temp
The only recent change I can think of that may have caused this was changing over to a new router, but I have an L3+ and a L3++ that was also changed over at the same time and they are showing working just fine with temps in the low 60's.
The ambient temperature where the D3 is running is around 55 - 60 F, on a open rack. Power supply unit is a 1200 Watt.
Any help, suggestions, or ideas would be most appreciated!
Thank you