In the world where hackers and such exists, I don't think keyless and passwordless authentication is possible yet. I'm not even satisfied with how fingerprint and face detection work yet especially if it involves a huge amount of money. I can't even think of a good security measure to counter those hackers, honestly. Even if there's a lot of security measures involve they are still able to hack accounts in just a few clicks.
We can resist hackers, we have to go against crooks.
No need to be afraid of them, no need to consider them almighty. They're just looking for our weaknesses.
The question is whether this is possible in an existing security system. Our research, the news of cybercrime, unequivocally says no.
It's not possible to do it in this security system.
You're right about that.
All cyber defenders do is patch up holes. And the holes appear faster than the speed at which they're fixed.
That's the way to nowhere. It's a game of mouse cats with a predetermined ending.
That's why we advocate a fundamentally new foundation for future security systems.
In fact, check my words, the cheater's main target is your password or private key.
This is the basis of the most massive attacks - phishing attacks.
All we offer is to remove the ground on which the phishing scam stands.
But the problem is, no one needs it.
It's how our world works.
You can't change it.
But you can and you have to make your own security island. It doesn't conflict with the basics of how this world works.
It's a hypothesis.
Bilateral authentication is the right thing to do. Today we are offered to recognize the original site - visually, follow the green lock in the left corner of the browser address bar, be careful!
And this is in the 21st century, the century of digital technology?
Isn't this an argument on the side of the opinion that the basis of the existing security system -feak.
Authentication, in all its variants, is protocols, sets of rules that are always based on old methods of user identification.
What do new authentication proposals do? They're doing a little above the wall of the old fortress.
What do cheaters do? They're putting a new section of stairs to climb over this new wall elevation.
It's an endless game.
In this game, it's always the cheaters' first move.
For that reason, this game makes no sense.
Until the main reason is eliminated - a permanent identifier.
Any biometric identifiers - they are even worse than the password, but it becomes clear only over time. Like any superstructure above the main wall of the fortress of our imaginary defense - biometric identifiers are vulnerable, they are extremely easy to fake. It's much easier than picking up a password.
It's a dead end. We need to change the base.
Our proposal, we need to change our numeric identifier. We have to make it variable. It's the only solution. And at first glance, it seems absurd. But gradually understanding this question, the methods and principles of geometric encryption, the question becomes clearer, so vividly and unequivocally that looking back, you wonder how you could not notice it before.
In the world where hackers and such exists, I don't think keyless and passwordless authentication is possible yet. I'm not even satisfied with how fingerprint and face detection work yet especially if it involves a huge amount of money. I can't even think of a good security measure to counter those hackers, honestly. Even if there's a lot of security measures involve they are still able to hack accounts in just a few clicks.
With the world of cryptocurrency, many people have much money on their digital wallets; for the safety of the users, the developers make a hashing of the passwords before the passwords are not encrypted; it was just a verification for the user's authenticity for having good security. They make the passwords harder and not prone to hacking they use the hashing to make a different text, numbers, and symbols combined together, and this is the essential thing today if you want to develop a website and system. But the hackers are ethical too, so the developers make another way of encryption this is the two-way authentication that sends the code to their users and verifies by the computer.
I'm talking about complicating passwords, hashing them out.
It's half a dimension again.
Look at this. You have invented and memorized (recorded) the original and very complex password (let it be authentication).
What do you send to the site when authentication occurs? The hash of this password. And there are no complex or simple hash sums.
What will the hacker do? It is possible to find a password, but we will pretend that it will not work.
He will just intercept your complex password hash sum. Basically, he does not need your password. The site doesn't know that complex password. The site only knows its hash.
That's it, you lost.
But why?
Because yesterday's hash works just like today's.
There's no protection in the path. It's a deception.
All TOR networks, VPNs, TLS protocols, everything's hacked as it turns out.
Why is that?
Because all these things are protocols, a set of rules based on old key and password technologies.
You will never have protection, and you will never be told about it as long as you have the same ID. The hash sum of your complex password.
Let's think about it together, shall we?
In a world where scammers crack any protection, steal passwords and keys, fundamentally new solutions are needed.
We need protection that's ahead of our time.
If you follow the path of complicating the existing system, without changing its foundations, this path is endless, because hackers are always one step ahead.
Change the foundation, in other words, remove passwords and keys from the security system. Then the competition with hackers will have a completely different result, in our favor.
The thieves will have nothing to steal, so there will be no interest in this activity as it now exists.
The thieves are feeling much better today than they did yesterday. They just sit at home, pushing buttons and making phishing and other attacks on us. The programs to hack into our systems are so cheap and available that almost any bad person can do it.
Who made their lives so easy?
The existing imperfect, holey security system. As long as this system only protects your personal data, the person doesn't care much.
But as soon as this same person has big money under the protection of the password key protection system, he will not feel secure.
I understand this, I also understand that it is time to change these principles of protection.
The moment has come when I was allowed to show images.
This is a scheme of three variants of the first round of vector-geometric encryption model, which I tried to publish on December 8th.
And I published an explanation of it on December 13th.
Take a look over there.
Take a look at the basics of keyless encryption technology, if you're interested:
It is a completely symmetrical encryption system, where the main mode of operation is keyless.
Both systems switch from one symmetric state to another through the processes of sending and receiving information.
Full identity of the state of the two systems is only possible if the information exchange between them is not only identical, but also correctly deciphered by both participants to the accuracy of one bit.
Building a keyless system by mathematical modeling is probably not an easy task, given the absolute rejection of repetitive processes. In encryption, repetition is the death of encryption.
On the other hand, to build such a model using the river of time and an infinite number of options for space is quite real.
In such a system, all events occurring in the virtual space-time continuum are not controlled by key information but by a multitude of unstable functions, most of which are geometrically related to their multiple arguments.
Among these arguments is the whole information flow without exception. Input information (the one to be encrypted), decrypted information, information in the form of intermediate code on all encryption rounds, is rigidly bound to its time stamps, is processed in time, so each certain part of information has its own unique event in the system.
As a consequence, when such an encryption system is functioning, the digital code is processed not by any stationary algorithms, but only by those algorithms that are active at that particular moment in time, which are formed for that moment in time by the system (see below "Time Logic Tunnel").
And this is what we extract from it.
Derived from this, 2 important properties of this encryption model appear:
1) strict observance of the information decryption sequence;
2) absolute identity of the information being decrypted in relation to the encrypted information.
This model of encryption, at the decryption stage, completely excludes the possibility of any modification of the information.
Organization of processes of encryption and decryption of data - in parts, packets of information, allows the system to independently assess the integrity of the received data regarding the sent, information decrypted relatively encrypted, through analysis of the current state of the system relative to the past states of the system.
Estimation of states is simply their comparison on the basis of their mutual identity.
The main element determining the current state of the system is the state of its internal space.
The transformation of the system's internal space (see above Encoding Principle Scheme, "Internal Space Geometry") occurs in a continuous continuum with its internal time calendar in the period of the encryption system's operation and in correlation with the external time calendar in the moment the communication channel for the new session is organized.
Time labels of the external calendar-time are used only in separate episodes during the system operation, as well as for communication protocol operation, which performs the function of constant synchronization between 2 (and more) encryption systems.
The internal calendar time, on the contrary, is used only during system operation; the "time unit" for it is not the time length of the event but the fact of its occurrence in the system.
Due to the different nature of the unit of its "time", these two calendars-time have no common reference points, including metric points, except for the name of all units.
The connection of the internal space state with the time parameters of the external and internal calendar-time forms a dynamic model of the virtual world.
In this model any repetitive information - always occurs only in its unique "time", which is always linear and its values are never repeated.
Therefore, consistently repetitive data, any number of times, will always be processed by a completely new consortium of space with time.
This means that encryption will always occur using different algorithms, whether the information is repeated or not. No matter how many times it repeats itself, it will always be processed as completely new information.
For keyless geometric encryption, you need a model that is not in static.
Such, dynamically changing model of space, can be organized differently.
It is interesting that restrictions in forms and schemes of construction of such model are not present.
Variants of construction of space when occurrence of effect of an interlock of its conditions is possible are completely excluded. In other words, a model in which the same state of space is repeated, either with a fixed period or without the law of periodicity - is unacceptable.
In spite of the fact that theoretically, the model of space can have any dimension, for example 2 or 3 dimensions (excluding time), mathematical n-dimensional spaces are also allowed, but its total size should always be no less than a certain calculated value.
The most rational, from this point of view, the model consisting of 3 levels of two dimensional space, each level of which is organized in its own way, changes according to its laws, and as a whole under the condition of space is understood the total state of all its three levels.
The higher the dimensionality of space levels, the better the keyless encryption technology works, the easier the principles of the keyless encryption system are realized, but the more complex are the algorithms of space transformation calculated.
The inner "virtual world" should have a certain (no matter what it is, there are a lot of variants) structure and geometrical form. These parameters can change, but should be known only in one, the present moment.
The chosen geometry (figurativeness) of the space should be such that the number of variants of its transformation, change, was the maximum.
The rule is that the internal space ("GIS" on the diagram) must be constantly changing. Static is only allowed at one point in time ("LTT" on the diagram), in which one space section can only be used once for encryption.
GIS must be easy to control.
In a keyless system algorithms for continuous, serial transformation of the GIS from the old state to another new state must be introduced. This principle of continuity of any new state from the state of the past, carries out the connection of all states of the system, connected in a single chain.
The GIS transformation algorithms that create this connected chain are derived from all events occurring in the system.
This means a continuous and non-linear connection with all information processed without exception.
GIS consists of elements that are always moving within their area of movement (within their enclave, within their part of "habitat" in space).
The space from one of its states passes to the new one, first of all (but not only) by moving the space elements according to the prescription given individually to each element or group of elements.
As a result of transformation of space, the main measure of its "correct" new state is the complete renewal of all neighbors of each without exception element. If the transformation is carried out in such a way that the same elements that were before this transformation, i.e. the old neighbours, are left next to one chosen element, then such transformation is considered incomplete and the algorithms that carry it out are unsuitable. This is the effect of space-transformation loops, which is unacceptable in the technology of keyless coding.
This requirement is very fundamental to fulfill because one element of one enclave (one closed area of GIS), at one point in time (in one logical tunnel of time - LTT) - will be found to match the information to be encrypted.
The main element determining the current state of the system is its internal space - GIS.
Transformation of the system's internal space (change of "Internal space geometry") takes place in a continuous continuum with its internal calendar-time.
This parameter has 2 independent counters.
1. B пepиoд нaчaлa нoвoгo ceaнca paбoты cиcтeмы шифpoвaния - пpoиcxoдит в кoppeляция вcex нacтpoeк c внeшними кaлeндapём-вpeмeнeм. Bpeмeнныe мeтки внeшнeгo кaлeндapя-вpeмeни, вo вpeмя paбoты, иcпoльзyютcя тoлькo в oтдeльныx эпизoдax, пo пpичинe paбoты пpoтoкoлa oбмeнa дaнными (DEP), выпoлняющeгo фyнкцию пocтoяннoй cинxpoнизaции мeждy 2-мя (и бoлee) cиcтeмaми в кaнaлe cвязи.
2. The internal calendar-time, on the contrary, is used only at the moment of system operation, the "time unit" for it is not the time length of the event but the fact of its occurrence in the system.
Due to the different nature of the unit of its "time", these two calendars-time have no common reference points, including metric points, except for the name of all units.
Linking the state of the internal space with the time parameters of the external and internal calendar-time, forms a dynamic model of the virtual world. In this model, any repetitive information - always occurs only in its unique "time", which is always linear and its values are never repeated.
For this reason, sequentially repeating data, any number of times, will always be processed by a completely new consortium of space-time, which means that the encryption will always be done by different algorithms.
Please note that this is not the case with standard key systems. The same information, no matter how many times it is repeated with the same key, will always be encrypted identically.
Which model is more "encrypted", do you think, keeps more secrets?
It is clear that in such a sensitive model, the correct configuration and the correct selection of algorithms is very important.
This work should be done taking into account the fulfillment of the “always new neighbor” condition for any element of the system.
It is also necessary to take into account the stability of the performed transformations to a possible loop, to the periodic hit of the same symbol in the same cell.
In other words, the selected set of transformation algorithms should not bring the system into a state of repeated or non-periodic cyclicity.
In any encryption system, the cycle can be calculated, this is a clear vulnerability and a loophole for cryptanalysis.
With each new transformation, each element of space, at any level of space, must begin its movement to a new location, only from the previous location, a connection of history appears, a continuous connected chain of all transformations is observed.
Just like in the blockchain, a chain of connected blocks, but with an analog of blocks, we have a state of space, which (in normal operation mode) is not saved, there is no need. The save mode of previously existing space states is possible for the implementation of the “restore point” mode by analogy with the restore points in operating systems. Such recovery points can be created by taking and saving screenshots of space and time counters at the right time.
Due to the strict interconnection of all system states and a direct dependence on the entire information exchange processed by the system on a point-to-point site, the difference in the entire information stream, even in one bit, is always noticeable, easily analyzed, and unambiguously calculated.
This error can be fixed by requesting a retry of this package. This principle of operation of a keyless encryption system provides absolute integrity control and the impossibility of discreet modification of any data packet, and therefore the entire information exchange as a whole.
We add one more rule to this brief description: if one element, from any one area of space, was used for “coding” at least once, this entire area of space (enclave) cannot be reused without a thorough transformation.
This is the implementation of the principle of combinatorics, if any law is applied to chaos, but the same to all elements of this chaos, then we will always get only new chaos, and we will never get order.
A good rule for our system, which has some kind of inside of itself that is not defined by an external observer, is chaos.
Any chaos, any internal uncertainty, random numbers and random variables are encryption friends and enemies of cryptanalysis.
Exactly the same procedures, changes of chaotic arrangement relative to each other, simultaneously occur with all "neighbors" of this element, which was used in "encoding" information, at this point in time, in this logical tunnel of time (in this LTT).
But then one interesting chain of events can be traced, which leads to even more interesting results.
The encryption principle strictly limits the use of more than one element of one enclave for "encoding once" (and actually only finding a pointer vector to this element, in this geometric encryption model principle) at one point in time.
Another principle suggests that the system (primarily GIS systems) - should not be in a static state.
We do not have a key, which dictates the order and regularity of changing all settings and states of the system.
So what should we do with these contradictions?
There is both an interesting way out and a way to disguise.
You can smear useful, original user information, which is encrypted - fake, garbage "information" created by the system only in moments when there is no information for encryption from the user.
On the one hand this seems to be a drawback, because the system must simulate information exchange at times when it is not available.
On the other hand, there is not only the effect of disguising useful information - fake, we do not really need it.
And more interesting is the effect of hiding from an external observer the real amount of information exchanged by users. The external observer only sees what maximum size of information has passed through its observation point.
But the external observer has no idea how much coded information is in this flow, and whether it is there at all.
This is a real closed communication channel, not just encryption.
Tell me, what other encryption systems have such an interesting and useful effect in the communication channel they organize?
Objectively speaking, the function of generating a "fake" information exchange by the system itself, which simulates the original information exchange, is not obligatory, in principle one could do without it.
Strictly speaking, it is an additional service for users which is so easy to do in this technology that one does not want to refuse it.
All the more so, as mentioned in the last post, the more new chaos relatively old, the better, and this feature helps to do it continuously.
Anyway, studies show that mixing "fake" information well masks useful information from an outside observer and does not allow to analyze the information picture in the communication channel.
1) who is currently transmitting and who is receiving the information;
2) who was receiving and who was transmitting information during the whole historical period of time after the start of using the system;
3) whether there was any fact of information exchange between two users (Alice and Bob) or they were "silent";
4) how much information was transmitted from Alice to Bob;
5) what volume of information was transferred from Bob to Alice;
6) what type of information was involved in the data exchange: voice content, media content, text content, streaming digital file in upload (or upload) mode, etc.
Therefore, organized by keyless encryption technology, its own channel of communication is a well closed channel, which does not give an outside observer any information about the events taking place in the channel, except counting the maximum possible information exchange between participants.
This is not the end of the miracles of the geometric model of encryption.
If we have our own chaos, with its own level of entropy, the pseudo-random state of space elements allows us to create numerical random sequences of any desired length.
And since the static state of GIS is very small in time (and by events in the system), these random numerical sequences are also one-time.
This is a complete analogy to disposable binary tapes that can apply the "exclude OR" operation to every bit of code.
And this is the Vernam class cipher, the only absolutely stable cipher, in the absolute sense of the word.
And this is a very loud request...
After all, to get a cipher similar to the Vernam class cipher is the maximum theoretical possibility of cryptography in general.
Yes, and most importantly, there is no need to exchange these "disposable binary tapes" between Alice and Bob.
And that was the only drawback of the Vernam class cipher, which left this encryption only in top secret diplomatic missions.
The key question remains in this keyless system:
- how to receive reliable pseudo-random numerical sequence which entropy aspires to entropy of casual sizes?
It is clear that any numerical sequence is easily transformed into a binary sequence of any length less than the maximum possible (less than its maximum information capacity).
Again we return to our moving, dynamically changing, geometrical field of elements in which each element does not like constants, the same, neighbors.
To get a good pseudo-random sequence from this model is possible if each element is represented as a number temporarily located in some place of our space, space of Cartesian coordinates and to define an initial reference point in this space.
Now, in the obtained numerical shaped model, having at least 2 Cartesian coordinates, we can draw absolutely any functional curve, a chart of any function (the "X" axis is a set of values of the function arguments and the "Y" axis is a set of values of the function).
Which particular curve you will draw has no meaning. If we are sure of a random arrangement of elements of this system relative to each other. All cells, through which the chart of the selected function passes - get to the sampling of the set of our numerical sequence.
The value has only the maximum number of elements, through which the chart of the selected function will pass. We have to fulfill an important condition - the length of the derivative binary (measured in bits) sequence of the function defined by this graph must be no less than the encrypted numeric code (again, we measure in bits and perform the operation "exclude OR" to each bit).
Thus, in geometric cryptography, available methods and the ability to organize not only a fully closed channel, but also to implement a round of encryption, which uses disposable binary tapes, allowing to obtain a cipher similar to the ciphers of the Vernam class.
The symmetrical system eliminates the need to transmit disposable binary tapes over the communication channel. The information itself, or rather its derivatives, obtained from the current (and this is a variable) state of the system, both from GIS and LTT, gives the "key" to the same binary "keys" of any desired length.
And now it becomes even more clear why this system will see any modification of information, even at the level of one bit, why it is possible to fix the vector-geometric principles of encryption - an absolutely stable cipher of Vernam class.
Or this is the beginning of a new class of ciphers, a class of keyless ciphers, such ciphers in which each packet of encrypted data is encoded with its own set of "keys", a set that is not repeated in the future, but is absolutely clearly defined only by those systems that have organized their own closed channel.
Without going into detail, but using the same logic of the virtual world model described, which is the basis for geometric encryption methods, it is easy to extract pseudo-random digital data that can replace useful information when needed.
As already noted, normal operation of the system does not require the user to enter his or her own information in a mandatory and continuous manner. In moments of pause or long silence, the system does not do any pause in time - it fills them itself with fake information exchange. This "not real" information flow has an absolute pseudo-random character, obtained by a strictly geometrical method, which guarantees both the maximum level of "randomness" of such information and the ease of its extraction, without additional computational operations, from unused, free at this moment of time, space areas.
The methodology of the geometric encryption method is based on the presence of a full-fledged separate virtuality, which operates in its own internal order. An obligatory attribute of such internal world - must be its own counter of time and events. This digital generator gives the system always new, never repeating digital values. The external calendar time (it was written about it in detail earlier) counts (or receives data from the external environment) our astronomical calendar time, and the internal system calendar time (see posts before it) lives its internal life without common reference points with the external calendar time.
We need these conditions to provide the condition of "always new event" in the system regardless of whether the event is repeated, data for encoding is repeated or not. Both of these time calendars have the ability to be stopped for certain actions.
As already mentioned, the normal mode of operation is to transmit and receive data continuously, providing the external observer for analysis only one indicator available to him - the total amount of information exchange, which can only be possible in the observed period of time.
But this is not all troubles for the external observer. The matter is that the technology of vector-geometric encryption allows not encrypting at all the very information which needs to be encrypted and transmitted (and thus accepted and decrypted).
Again, it is a paradox. And again, at first glance, it is inexplicable!
It is only at first glance.
The matter is that in the offered model of encryption there is an organic possibility to use a method of "temporary correspondence" of internal elements of system - to elements of information intended for encoding.
It is such "temporary" contract which will quickly change for the new contract.
Let's imagine that two chess players sit down to play chess, but this is only a distraction. In fact, every move, every chess piece is a transfer of information corresponding to that piece. The moves are transmitted through open communication channels, but the true meaning of these actions remains behind the scenes.
If we look at the standard chessboard, then this model of space can accommodate 64 different elements, no more, this is the information capacity of this space.
Therefore, by the method of "temporary matching" we can assign logical matching to each element of this space (each piece) to any value of no more than 6 bits of information.
Then each "chess" move will mean passing one of the values of 6 bits of binary code.
But we cannot stop there either.
To describe a "chess move" we will not use direct instructions - on the corresponding chess piece, let it be a "bishop".
We will use the method of "reference", building a geometric vector and its digital description in binary code.
Instead of describing a move as "elephant D2 on B3", we will choose an initial reference point (and the initial reference point is not a constant, but a variable for each new move), e.g. a simplified case - the first corner of the chessboard, then D2 = 42, B3 = 33, and our move will be described (will be digitized) this way: 4233.
Further, only "4233" is encrypted in the rest of the encryption rounds.
Let's analyze what we hid, what we got, why these tricks?
1. Information about the "elephant", only we clearly knew that at this point, in this LTT, at this point of space will be exactly the "elephant";
2. Information about where and from where the "elephant" moved, a figure unknown to the outside observer.
Because the coordinates 42 and 33 are relative values, which depend not only on the actual location of the "elephant" in this LTT, but also on the starting point for this space in this LTT.
The starting point is a variable value for each stroke, for each element of "coded" information;
We haven't mentioned anywhere what exactly the value of 6 bits at this point in time in this LTT corresponds to the "elephant" in this LTT in D2!
Conclusion: "what figure", "where it was", "where it moved", all this in a single moment of time (more precisely in the period of time necessary for this operation with the selected single element) - no one knows, not even the developer of this software.
For the next "move", for the "encoding" of the next information element, another LTT will be selected, which will be used in a completely different GIS, with a different location of the "elephant" and all its neighbors in the past event, the past LTT.
Conclusion: Instead of encoding the information, we have digitized and encoded some undefined vector, some pointer, some reference - in some undefined reference system with an unspecified starting point of this coordinate system.
These are not clear questions for an external observer, and there is nothing to get stuck in the analysis because there is no key, there hasn't been and won't be.
Instead of coding and transfer of the information - we generate and encode "link" in variable space, on sense completely similar to an Internet link on a site in a network the Internet, but which lives one moment.
Does it make sense to decrypt the link, realizing that it does not contain the encoded information? It cannot contain encrypted information - by definition.
Thus, the function of the variable point of reference of the coordinate system allows us to get the coordinates of the displacement vector - different digit capacity. The minimum length of the reference code in bits will be when the initial datum point coincides with the coordinate system boundary or is inside the element system. If the initial datum exceeds the boundaries of the elements location field of the selected space area (enclave), the digit capacity of the vector, references, or more precisely their digital description, will be increased.
The technology of geometric encryption has the possibility to work with the variable digit capacity of the output code relative to the input one. It turns out that any information will be transmitted by a cipher code of unknown length, with the digit capacity not defined for an external observer. And this makes it very difficult to cryptographically analyze the message.
So, the most unusual and most important thing is managing the encryption schemes of the information itself and the changing internal state of the system.
If such a "live" system is in a normal operating mode, it must be movable. Its natural state is mobility through transformation of its internal states. For this reason, in the normal working mode (and there are others), for the organization of continuous internal transformations, the system monitors the moments of information input and understands the moments when the information does not arrive. At these moments the system itself generates, necessarily encrypts all the rules, transmits data packets, this complete analogue of live information.
By default, "information" means data provided by the user, intended for encoding. The fact that the technology is in a state of "user talk" when the user is silent - to replace the "own talk", although it does not look familiar, but to ensure the secrecy in the channel - is necessary and useful.
Transformation of the system accompanied by information flows (including but not limited to) created by the system itself is mandatory.
Penetration and surveillance systems are developing.
We must consider their capabilities when developing encryption products.
Literally everything is being observed and analyzed:
- the level of power consumption;
- keystroke sounds (information is remotely taken off window panes - by laser);
- electromagnetic background of the monitor, allowing at a distance (about 300 meters) to determine the area of the mouse movement on the screen or move the active items "menu" windows;
- modulation of electromagnetic radiation at the points of mechanical contacts of electrical connectors (for example, a 3.5 jack from a headset inserted into the device, modulates the useful signal to the frequency of radiation of the device processor and successfully demodulates at a distance);
- removing information from the LED light bulb to signal system access to the PC hard drive (via a hidden spyware pre-installed on the PC. This is exactly what the Israeli intelligence agencies did with the help of a drone helicopter, which captures information through a window from the winchester LED at speeds of up to 6000 bits per second).
For these reasons, the system is designed in such a way that an external observer is not able to learn about the change in operating modes of our encryption system, through monitoring and analysis of power consumption. Unfortunately, this information can be obtained remotely by special means, and we take this into account.