You wont get any cent on this one.Why?
- Newbie Account
- Negative trust
- You cant prove out anything by just showing off pictures and some yt videos
To think that you already have the money then why would still need more capital? Basic thing.
- I am trader, not a paid forum poster. U know that anyone can buy old bitcoin acc with reputation etc.
so what the point in old or new acc?
- you can check my trust, it’s negative for same reason “newbie” can’t make money on btc...
- I can add my api keys for any public monitoring platform, as I did. If you know more place where I can do that Tell me and I will add.
- I have +/- 1 BTC in trading Bitmex. I made around 8% per month. It’s 0.08 BTC or 576$, it’s not big capital for me.
Okay lets try to translate on whats written on your feedback.
Hьюби тoлькo зapeгиcтpиpoвaлcя и yжe пpocит дeнeг в ДУ,пpeдocтaвив в кaчecтвe дoкaзaтeльcтв тoлькo кapтинкy.
Бyдьтe ocтopoжны c этим пoльзoвaтeлeм.
Newby has just registered and is already asking for money at DU, providing only a picture as evidence.
Be careful with this user.
Even if you do have that high ranking account, you cant still be trusted. Good luck for finding some investors.