We welcome any interested person, company or organization in our community.
Together we create built an active community of developers and business partners from more than 20 nations.
As a member of Connect Bussines Network, you get access to the various teams and projects.https://i111.fastpic.ru/big/2019/1212/d7/9171ce1b5cf1b5166546cf67454221d7.pngConnect Business Network - this is platform is created to connect business, developers and marketers. Currently, more and more companies need to develop their own software, Android applications, ios, blockchain products. As well as companies and businesses need to promote products and services in the media, the Internet, social networks, etc. Our community of independent developers, marketers and business - makes it easier to find business partners. In a few clicks you can start your project, choose developers or marketers for your business, startup or company.
Coin Cpecs: Coin name: Connect Business Network
Coin ticker: CBN
Algorithm: QUARK
Consensus: POS
Max Supply: 1,000 000
Block Time: 60 Seconds
Coins Per Block: 0.18-0.2 CBN
Blocks Per Day: 1440
Masternode Collateral: 1000 CBN
Total masternode limited: 100 MN
Premine: 50,000 CBN (5%)CBN platform helps to reduce costs and risks of customers who would like to transfer their business processes to blockchain, but are not ready to spend huge resources on project development.
The Connect Business Network platform simplifies the process of creating and integrating blockchain into the ecosystem of enterprises. Our partners, developers will provide customers with a range of services for finding the best solution based on the blockchain and creating blockchain applications.
The Connect Business Network platform allows you to quickly and effortlessly create a team of marketers to promote the product of a business. Given the demographics and features of the business, a team of marketers will select the most productive marketing plan.
Join us:
https://www.connectbusinessnet.com/ Telegram:
https://t.me/ConnectBussinesNetwork Twitter:
https://twitter.com/CBN_PROJECT Medium:
https://medium.com/@cbnprogect Instagram:
https://www.instagram.com/connectbusinessnet/ Discord:
https://discord.gg/UyjZWkJ Explorer:
https://explorer.connectbusinessnet.com/ Github:
https://github.com/CBN-Project/CBN Wallet :
https://github.com/CBN-Project/CBN/releases/tag/v1.0.4 WhitePaper: