In an effort to improve the quality of my paper
Analysis of Bitcoin Pooled Mining Reward Systems, I am offering rewards for people who submit errata. Every factual error reported will be rewarded with one hexadecimal Bitcoin (0.16777216 BTC). Every valuable suggestion is worth 0.01048576 BTC - comments on content, structure, prose, format, style, spelling, grammar and typography are all welcome. Reports can be given here, in
the main thread about the paper, or in a PM.
Some additional rules are:
1. The decision what constitutes an error, a suggestion or neither is entirely my own. Generally, a necessary condition to be either is that it leads me to make a change to the paper.
2. I can discontinue or change this offer at any time.
3. Only the first time each particular report is given will be rewarded, and only if it is relevant as of the most recent version.
4. If you specify a receiving address, I'll send to it. If not, I'll send to your signature address. If you don't have one, or if you explicitly waived the bounty, I will not send it.
Remember, your contribution to making this work better is worth much more than the bounty. It is a token of my gratitude, not a replacement for it. Don't let the small amount or any other consideration discourage you.