I'm doing some research into DNS Seeding, and alternative options to it. My main thought process is that, even if DNS Seeders are a functional but imperfect solution for initial peer discovery, they do still but a long term burden on the few individuals that are running the dns seeds, and do have a slight centralization factor. Additionally, the fall back of chainparams seeds generated using the included python script can fall out of date quickly, and requires
house-keeping/pruning of dead peers . I've tried searching to see if anyone was already working on better options or improvements to the existing solutions, but I haven't had much luck.
For reference:
DNS Seeding is visible in the code
here and defined
here with the codebase for the seeders (by Sipa), available
here Chainparams peers that are hardcoded as a fallback to dnsseeds defined
here and visible in the codebase