Any pools on english?
future exchanges?
Ming Pools:
http://stc.sg1.com.cn:10011/http://pool.waitstudy.com:3335/http://stc.minepool.cc/Mining Software Download:
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jG4wQqy(For Win64, Win32, AMD Win64)
This software is a green, non-toxic, ease of use.
However, due to the inclusion of certain CPU instructions, may be manslaughter antivirus software.
1, edit the file in the folder "Start Mining.bat" file, modify two parameters, a wallet address into your own, and the other is the number of CPU threads mining enabled, for example-t 2 represents 2 threads mining.
2, edited save, and then double-click to run "Start Mining.bat", to start mining.
3, mining can find details at
http://pool.waitstudy.com:3335/ official mine pool.
Third parties using the same method of mine pool