When you forget your password there are 2 options:
- Use username/email to receive a password recovery link (if email is not compromised there is nothing to worry about... on the other hand you would not know if email is compromised until it's too late... but let's be optimistic here...all's good)
- Use the secret question option and if you get the answer right your account will be blocked and you will be email-ing us to unlock it
Use a very strong secret question... or don't set up one at all !
TBH if your email is compromised I would assume the forum account might not be in top 3 worst worries at that time
I agree with NeuroticFish on the first part ... someone is trying to scare/warn/troll you.
Regarding the IP ... wouldn't take it at face value. VPN, Tor, Proxy.... chances are even the "hacker" didn't know what IP he was using
I would propose to use ONLY email in the password recovery tho. Seems safer and harder for account farmers !
P.S. Changed thread title for my post. May want to consider doing the same...