Ako neko od naših još uvijek ima ove Synthetix tokene možda je dobro vrijeme da ih proda. Vrijednost tih tokena je porasla na preko $15 po komadu. Na airdrop od preko 37 starih Havven tokena to je skoro $600 u SNX. Pošto je slackovic već dobro objasnio postupak kako doći do njih neću ponavljati istu priču.
U jednoj kripto grupi sam naletio na priču o ovim tokenima i sjetio se da je dosta priče bilo o njima i na našem lokalu.
Evo da citiram i svoj post od sinoć na ovu temu iz Altcoin Discussion foruma.
I came across a post on Facebook in one of the crypto groups where a user was talking about Synthetix tokens which have been skyrocketing recently. For those who don't know, Synthetix used to be Havven, an erc-20 token.
The old Havven tokens have in the meantime migrated to a new address and changed their name to Synthetix.
You can check how the token is performing on
CoinMarketCap here.If I remember correctly, there was an airdrop of the old Havven tokens back in 2018. Over 37 tokens were airdropped to participants. Check your ETH wallets to see if you received any Havven tokens. Their contract address is > 0xf244176246168f24e3187f7288edbca29267739b.
The new SNX tokens aren't visible on Etherscan, so chances are you have them in your wallet without knowing it.
Check your ETH accounts manually, or insert your ETH address on Delta Balances that displays the SNX tokens.
https://deltabalances.github.io/If they are still there, those airdropped tokens are today worth over $450!
The easiest way to claim them is by using a Synthetix Dapp, known as
https://mintr.synthetix.io/. You can connect the app with MetaMask or a hardware wallet such as Trezor or Ledger.
After that, the tokens can be sold on a bunch of exchanges like Binance, OKEx, Coinbase Pro, etc.
Good Luck!