Haha, I'm rooting for Alpha-tech but wouldn't this be classic if their developer/partner decided to resell the tech before releasing it to Alpha-T?
However, I don't think that's the case here... check the whois info on the domains...
https://alpha-t.net/partners/ Lists Dexceldesigns.com as their partner. Dexcel Designs is based in India, so why would they need a .co.uk domain, as suggested in this seemingly bogus offer? Whois info on the bogus domain shows no email contact and doesn't really match the registrar/email contact for the true .com partner. Anyone could create a similar enom/namecheap account for a similar available name.
Be very wary of this one, my scam-o-tron is beeping.
PS - Let's not take away from Halops original offer here. Back to the offer to sell...