I hope you don't mind if i ask for some more users to verify this process ,as i haven' t come across it before . Call me paranoid,but i'd rather be sure . Thanks.
Smart move. No one is going to fault you for being too cautious, especially with a process you are unfamiliar with. There are plenty of other helpful users around - I'm sure a couple will be able to verify my instructions.
You can also read on the Opendime FAQ about how to access your private key:
https://opendime.com/faqOnce the piece has been broken out, the file contents will change and the private key will be revealed in the private-key.txt file and QR code image. There is no way back, and once unsealed, you should move the funds into another wallet.
Import the private key (private-key.txt) into any Bitcoin wallet to be able to "sweep up" the funds and spend them as needed.
And you can read on the Electrum documentation about to how sweep the funds from a private key in to Electrum:
https://electrum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#can-i-sweep-private-keys-from-other-bitcoin-clientsSweeping private keys means to send all the bitcoins they control to an existing address in your wallet. The private keys you sweep do not become a part of your wallet. Instead, all the bitcoins they control are sent to an address that has been deterministically generated from your wallet seed.
To sweep private keys, go to the Wallet menu -> Private Keys -> Sweep. Enter the private keys in the appropriate field. Leave the “Address” field unchanged. That is the destination address and it will be from your existing electrum wallet. Click on “Sweep”. It’ll now take you to the send tab where you can set an appropriate fee and then click on “Send” to send the coins to your wallet.