In your Mycelium wallet, how many accounts are there?
Have you tried clicking "
reload account" after clicking your affected account in the 'accounts' tab (
swipe left)?
Yes? Now, if there are two or more, then you must check where address "
1GeZ8Vg5UZKeAVPAekbCxzKGk67QUXLHQv" belongs.
If it's still displayed in the balance tab (
tap QR code if SegWit Add is displayed), there should be an indicator of which account the address belongs.
In Electrum, edit the derivation path below the address type selection window (
when restoring a wallet) instead of using the default.
Edit Legacy's
m/44'/0'/0' into:
To restore the second account.
For the third account, and so forth if there are more accounts in the accounts tab of your Mycelium.