In other words, the solution exists, but the problem has not been defined.
Yes, true. And that's because:
- people don't understand the risks of not protecting their privacy
- some think "I have nothing to hide, therefore why bother?", meaning they don't care
- "friendly" (malicious) entities such as governs, banks, centralized exchanges, various apps etc. constantly encourage them to offer their personal data, information about finances and to expose their privacy at large, promising (false) security, (false) earnings, (false) profits, (false) recognition and other (false) things at large.
But these people never put in balance what happened to Julian Assange (for example), which after years of being anonymous under the nickname
Mendax, he decided to become a public figure, compared with what happened to Satoshi Nakamoto, which remained anonymous. Julian Assange faces 250 years in jail for speaking truth which governs want to be hidden, while Satoshi... Well, apparently, nobody knows what he is doing, but certainly no govern has him inside a prison. We can say that on the other side Satoshi does now whatever he pleases. That's the difference between two people; furthermore: between two
good individuals, which wanted to help the world, each in a distinct way, but they both wanted to help the world and they chose two different paths: one kept his privacy and one went public.
Even if Julian would become a martyr for his credo (and sad, there are big chances to happen that), that's still something to not choose when on the opposite site you have the chance to help the world and be anonymous...