God danmed! I just want to ask about what I see, what evidence do you need here if it's not an allegation?
Sometimes I see members of higher ranks who have silly posts, it doesn't even useful, they just write it there for signature campaigns and making money
You can watch how "Multiple Account Patrol" identified multiple accounts who abused the trust
here, merits, and bounty. We don't have some restriction sending merits to any post e.i : Memes, Shitpost, and Other post
All depends on the perception of each user send merits to any post, but sending merits to a shit post its just wasting that merits. Account can be marked as multiple account if the account :
1. One of them, admitted by himself is he/she account and used the account to join a bounty campaign in the same campaign went the campaign has some rules "Multiple accounts is prohibited".
2. There have some connection transaction on these account on his address altcoin i.e : sending ethereum/bounty Token each other and try to sell the token with a single wallet (But some people sometimes buying other people token and because of that they marked as multiple accounts, these situational its optional need to investigation first for the transaction with their chat history and compare it with the transaction on the chain.)
3. Sending merits each other and get caught because the account is the same person.
4. Try to raising his trust by sending fake trust to each other without explanation & evidence on the trust.
Sometimes one user can be caugh with 2-4 because all of them have some connection for the case, but as long you find one of them its already enough to marked them multiple account.
Probaly could be "selling merits" but because no evidence for my speculation so we cannot takes that reason to tagging the account only based on your own speculation without any proof.