Itl be a little while tbh. The current state of affairs did not do the previous auction any favours at all. Il buy the silver soon but I wont be doing the hearts for at least another month, and that's before i start on them. Truth be told, i actually made a big fat loss on these, which is great for buyers but tied with the big dip in BTC value, i simply can't go ahead with the expenses associated with a run of hearts right now.
I hope you appreciate my position on this 👍
Do you mean you took a loss overall on all 3 sets or just on the clubs?
It's kind of hard to guess how the last one will turn out.
Will you get more / higher bids because it's someones last chance to get one or will you get less because they wanted 4 of a kind and that got blown when DaveF took their 10 so they don't bid?
If you have taken a loss on just the clubs so far then figure out your cost beginning to end for the process add in a bit for shipping and a few % for a profit then divide by 13 and that is the starting bid.
BTC could take a dive between when you start and when the bidding ends, that's always a risk. But it could also spike up and then you are in a better place.
If you have taken a loss on all 3 so far then you might be better off just selling them w/o an auction for the price that works for you. I am sure they will all sell, it might take longer, but you know you made your money back.
Just tossing around ideas.