I imagine the "jews" hate Bitcoin because it is a great threat to their fiat funny money banking system based around their longstanding fetish (and great success) with usury..
WTF are they going to do if everyone decides to "be your own bank"? They'd be out of business..
I have a hell of a lot of jewish blood in me, Ashkenazi, and actually I think I can tell by the way I think and act in certain ways.. As in the way I can't stand to buy things that lose their value or maintain no value etc..
Actually I think I even have mothers side bloodline and therefore could get into Israel.. My mother's mother's grandmother was disappeared during WWII, but my my mother's mother's father was a Nazi soldier that fought on the eastern front against Russia, so I imagine that is why his family were left alone..
Supposedly he did some terrible shit, had screaming nightmares after the war, and died of severe alcoholism soon thereafter..
My German jewish blooded Grandmother was brought back to the states my my US soldier christian grandfather.. Imagine that..
Imagine another thing, I am a first generation US born citizen, as neither of my parents were from or born in the US.. Do I have enough victim status?
So I basically am a jew but I will talk shit about jews all day with their greed, cunning, and control of key industries, because it is true, and if you don't like it you can fuck right off..
Think that's racist? It ain't.. It's the truth..
Crybaby bitches whining about racism.. If you can't take a little racism, then you are weak..
I mostly identify as a straight white male, and twitter and the normie internets are absolutely flooded with anti-white male racism.. I just consider people that think that way to be idiots showing their stupidity.. I am the most hated race on the planet, with this racism being out and accepted in the wide open, despite some strong jewish lineage, which I almost never even mention..
Their is a lot of truth in race-realism but ignorant idiots will call it all "racism" because they either don't know or will refuse to accept the actual truth of the world..
Actual "racists" as in "I hate all blacks because they are black" are also idiots, but it sure as shit isn't racist to avoid innercity black residential areas, or to say we should get rid of affirmative action because it is actually racist against asians and whites..
Man A: "I sold my guitar to the pawn shop for $200!:
Man B: "Man you got jewed! That guitar was worth $600!"
Racist? Maybe.. Unacceptable? Nope..
Idiots that cry about it just expose themselves as idiots..
If you can't stand up against what the world throws at you then you are just weak.. If you are weak then you will run to others to protect you because you can't handle it..
Hey Owly.. Why don't you go tag up TMAN and Lauda for calling people pajeets all the time? Eh?
Oh shit..
You are just a butthurt fucking pajeet with no life who is angry at the world and needs medicating.
Owly you racist fuck, tisk tisk.. Tag yourself..
And no, before you blah blah blah about that not being racist, that is a lie..
Calling Indians Pajeets is exactly the same thing as calling Africans Niggers, Mexicans Spics, Jews Kikes, Japanese Nips, etc.. etc..
To say it is not is a lie and just makes it even more racist against Indians.. I don't care what "Bitcointalk culture" is, that is just as racist as calling people Niggers...
Stop being a hypocrite and remove the stupid tag..
It may not be
racist to you, but others may think differently.
Huh.. You don't say?