The other wallet is for a web site. The address was 3CskMgUDP7eJ8obmayCiUpL8Cc9HYn65Ee. It is not another electrum wallet.
What website you are talking about? Can you tell us so that we know that if you sent it to a legit website?
I'm running win 10 and accessing the site thru an alternate browser.
The $400 was taken out of my electrum wallet.
What exactly you did? You sent or it was taken out from your wallet by someone?
Just confused about your first post.
I'm not sure where to find the hash??
You can find the hash under history tab it looks like this below
Double click the transaction you are talking about and you will find the hash on the top
it looks like this
The funds never made it to the web wallet. Are they gone forever??
Do I have any options?
I don't know if it's gone forever but if you can share with us what web wallet you are talking about it might be a bug in their system.
So tell us what website and what exactly your Bitcoin address from Electrum and Transaction ID.