I've got a load of old 3 pence pieces - I think they are 98% silver. I'm going to hang onto them, as I believe silver is seriously undervalued at the moment. The metals I am keeping are -
Gold - it's a traditiinal store of value
Silver - another traditional store of value
Copper - the price is down at the moment, but I'm hoping it will recover next year.
Lead - another one for recovery. I'm keeping this because of the volume/weight ratio.
I might keep a couple of old motor cycles, but much of my agricultural collection can go - so who wants an old Allen scythe? I got several sacks of old mother boards, hard drives and other computer bits. I was going to write an article about hunting through old drive for Bitcoin wallets, so maybe I should do that. I was also going to use the neodymium magnets frm the hard drives to make a magnetic fishing raft, but that doesn't find gold and silver coins of course.
I'm out then. You're basically keeping 3 out of 4 things i'm interested in