Welcome to my 1000th post on the
BTCitcointalk forum.
IntroductionI luckily got to know about bitcoin only in 2016 and registered here in this forum at the start of 2018. Right from the beginning, India was never favorable to Bitcoin in general and our media has been promoting the underlying technology and bitcoin in a bad light. Recently, we just got back our trading rights through the Supreme Court Judgement! Though we speak English for majority of the time in our country, Regional Languages or Languages being used in rural/urban India plays a major role in bringing any kind of web/mobile application to a wider reach among the targeted users.
An Indian High school student should speak better English than this regional local language to cherish in his career. This is how we have been taught and this is how most of us had been brought up but I would never argue this is wrong and at the same time betraying our own local language for the promotion of a foreign language like English shouldn't be encouraged upon. English had become mandatory for every one of us to survive in a corporate world and in order to sustain in India. But I have a firm belief that Regional Languages still play a role to connect any new idea to the regional people. This has been quite evident from the sales of newspapers. Even today, a regional language newspaper sells higher in number than a English paper like "The Hindu" or "Indian Express" .
Similarly I feel like the primary satoshi Bitcoin client should be present in our Regional Languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali as well.
I've been working on the translation work for over 6 months (both bitcoin.org and Bitcoin Core) when my real life allows me to do so. I speak, read and write 3 of the major languages and Tamil is one among them. There was over 10-20% automated translations made by various Indians prior to myself getting involved in the process and I started the Tamil translation from scratch. I thereby tried to re-edit and translate majority of the whole software in Tamil.
Finally after the recent translation merges in github and the release of
0.19.1 Tamil becomes the First Indian Language to be present in Bitcoin Core.
How to Upgrade Bitcoin Core to TamilDownload link:
https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.19.1/If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Bitcoin-Qt (on Mac)
or bitcoind/bitcoin-qt (on Linux).
Once you have installed Bitcoin Core in your PC, click on
Settings -> Options -> Open Configuration FileOnce you have clicked upon the "Open Configuration File", an empty notepad will be opening up. Type
in the notepad, click on Save and close the notepad. Close the Bitcoin Core application and reopen it again. You will be viewing and using the Tamil Version of Bitcoin Core.
Please Note : The Tamil translation is in final stages of review and I would probably be finishing it up in the 0.20 release. Till then, there would be minor bugs in grammar and stuffs. I have started working on the bitcoin.org Tamil translation and simultaneously working on Hindi and Telugu versions of Bitcoin Core as well.
Screenshots:How to translate Bitcoin Core in other Indian Languages:The translations of Bitcoin Core primarily occurs on a translation website called
TransifexThe complete process for translating Bitcoin Core in your native Indian languages is listed here :
Translating Bitcoin Core
Thanks to akhjob for motivating and helping me in translating the application in Tamil.
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