(Edit/I made a wrong approach, quote not needed.)
You do not understand what my point of view is, it is different.
I'm going to develop an idea that has the OP as a lesson one. (Edit/text deleted/I made a wrong approach)
(Edit/I made a wrong approach, quote not needed.)
The idea is to develop this theme based on the newbie questions.
I think you are used to the OP developing the whole context of an idea, don't expect that, there is always someone here who wants to do it differently.
Lesson 2
The Op begins with the opening phrase:
.../ to know the main types of texts.
These Are:(encoded/decode)
1.-Text (ASCII/ANSI) to "Binary, Hex, Base64, Rot13, Decimal"
2.-Binary to "Text, Hex, Base64, Rot13, Decimal"
3.-Hexadecimal to "Text, Binary, Base64, Rot13, Decimal"
4.-Base64 to "Text, Binary, Hex, rot13, Decimal"
5.-Rot13 to "Text, Binary, Hex, Base64, Decimal"
6.-Decimal to "Text, Binary, Hex, Base64, Rot13"
(Edit/I made a wrong approach, quote not needed.)
Explanation 1:
Hello! => Encode-convert-codify-
(2) : Hex+ Text (ASCII/ANSI): 68 6f 6c 61!
(2) Synonyms mains.Explanation 2:
68 6f 6c 61! =>Decipher, decrypt, crack, decode: Hello!
You have helped me develop the topic with your post. But above all, remove confusion.
It is a shame that given his experience, he deciphered the phrase, he is sure that if he wanted to do something complex he would expose it in Meta. It was for a beginner.
Thanks, it is the idea to give examples, "URL is encoded."
Other exercises coming soon (L3). But you have to finish this:
QmFzaWMgZW5jcnlwdGlvbjo= 65 76 65 72 79 74 68 69 6e 67 20 79 6f 75 20 6e 65 65 64 gb xabj nobhg gur znva 116 121 112 101 115 32 111 102 01110100 01100101 01111000 01110100 01110011.____________-update.
(Edit/text deleted/I made a wrong approach)