What makes trusting that you will repay any loan you take out a good idea? Do you have a history of repaying back loans that can be verified, or of being trusted with others' money?
lol, same question.
After reading the pinned " caution " of bitcointalk:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=577765.0there is no way someone would lend him even $10.
Who knows, crypto is kind of funny
The rule of "No Collateral, No Loan" means that in order to get a loan you must give collateral that is equal, or preferably higher to the amount you are being loaned.
If you completely ignore this sticky and make a loan request with no collateral, without having massive trust on the forum, the chances of you getting negative trusted feedback and therefore having a Trade with Extreme Caution tag is almost 100%.
He's not even sure about a strict date of paying back, i lol-ed at this part
But if something goes wrong, I'll payback by the 1st week of April.