For those who knew and though otherwise and for those who never knew, we have few Corona coins amongst us today and ain't just one, until now there are 3 known Coronavirus coins that I am aware of and here is the list
2. CoronaCoin (NCOV)
3. Coronavirus Token (CNV)
None of these coins makes any sense to me and they are just another plot to scam those who knew nothing, if you have more you can drop I'ma will be glad to upgrade the list
Its strange that people are happy to name their coins on the deadly disease and virus. Do you know if any of these coins is listed on any exchange or people just created these coins for fun. After all it takes less than a dollar and few mins to develop a ERC20 token.
I won't be a serious project would come to name such project as such. It looks funny and I think it will have a negative advertisement as so many people are sad this time because the name is taking a way lives of families, friends and well wishers. Is just not a good time for this , countries are going down trying to control corona virus.
the name was popular because of a disaster known to many people. it will not be good for a company name and it will become visible only to take advantage of time and there will be no future developments. it will only be a joke.