got a hold of small gaming kit with a few 7950 and 7970 and one 1060. Are these still usable for anything ? Can you mine with them or is there any interest in buying ? What are people buying these days and what are these cards worth ? If anything just for gaming.
You can still use 7950 and 7970 for a budget gaming and 1060 to mine some of the altcoins but not in a significant way
[in other words, it has low demand in the mining world]...
- You can use either "GPU profitability ranking" or their "homepage" for assessing it for mining purposes.- In regards to its worth, it's best if you just check other reputable marketplaces and see for what prices they're letting these cards go.
If you decide to sell these cards here, make sure to include your username
[on this forum] on a piece of paper together with the date + picture of the GPU's.