Large asteroid will fly by the Earth next month, but won't hit us, reassures NASA
(CNN)On April 29, an asteroid estimated to be between 1.1 and 2.5 miles wide will fly by Earth. But it's not expected to collide with our planet, thankfully. If it did, the asteroid is "large enough to cause global effects," according to NASA, back when the asteroid was first discovered.
The asteroid is called 52768 (1998 OR2) and it was first spotted in 1998. It will pass within 3,908,791 miles of Earth, moving at 19,461 miles per hour.
The flyby is expected to occur on Wednesday, April 29, at 4:56 a.m. ET, according to NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies. They track Near-Earth Objects that could collide with Earth.
The asteroid was classified as a potentially hazardous object because it passes near Earth's orbit, but it's not currently on NASA's list of potential future Earth impact events. Those are gathered and monitored by NASA's Sentry System, "a highly automated collision monitoring system that continually scans the most current asteroid catalog for possibilities of future impact with Earth over the next 100 years."'m wondering why are there no discussions about this one? Is it because of the current Covid-19 pandemic?because i think this is something serious and needs to pay attention.
whats your thoughts?