I'm interested in any tools or source-code that might be out there for me to visualize (console print-out/whatever) blocks as they're being built on a local machine.
In the abstract I'd like too observe
- the current block-header, broken down into it's components as they change
- the currently added transactions as they are streamed in from nodes
- the list of transactions would obviously include the coinbase transaction etc.
I realize this is mostly transmitted as HEX data, so any tool that could reverse the components into a readable format would be great.
I know most of the block-chain explorers do this in some capacity - but I'd like to take a look at the inputs of unconfirmed transactions, how the flow works.
As a bonus it'd be cool to unwind the transactions (unconfirmed) and look at the TxIO as a set of addresses, is that possible ?Update:
Looks like
http://luke.dashjr.org/programs/bitcoin/w/eloipool.git is a good solution in Python for doing this sort of thing, doesn't rely on Bitcoind