Covid19 was so real and a hundred thousand have died already.
I am surprised because there are still many who do not believe that corona exists...
many health experts have died because of this epidemic, don't believe the corona = you don't believe in the flu virus, what is the evidence that the flu exists, do you see the flu virus entering your nose.
Actually, there are hundreds of thousands of viruses. So why do you thi9nk that Covid is a bad virus?:
1. You did the research and know all about viruses;
2: You listened to the media;
3. You trust your doctor;
4. You trust the government;
5. People around your neighborhood say it's true;
6. You always believe everything you watch in the movies;
7. All of the above.
The point is, whatever reasons you have for believing that Covid is real, what are they, and how do you know that they are the truth?
Are you going to say something like, "Oh, that BADecker doesn't know anything?" Or are you going to present real reasons for why you believe Covid? I mean, do you believe Covid, or do you KNOW that it exists? Why do you believe, or, how do you know?
I mean, the media wouldn't lie to you, now, would they?