First 3 cards
The World, The Emperor, The Star
A young lady, who is close to you, is going to suffer a mishap, friendships are going to be tested in those moments.
She is going to have a small health problem, but not something critical, altough she is going to need professional care. Advise her to really go visit a doctor.
The card on the right: The Star, it implies a very nice and playful conversation, it can happen any way (text, call, person....). It will start with a simple message. But be advised, don't talk too much, you shan't expose private situations, yours above everything. (so, no private situation, yours included).
The central card: The Emperor, tells us that a Sunday from this month, you will have an update on something you've been long waiting. This cards is in this position is very likely talking about love issues. But the cards surroinding it give it some kind of "conflit with the justice/law" meaning. It's likely to be a paternity trial, food pension or anything family-related.
It's high time you start thinking about more spiritual things, either seeking support on the spiritual or the religious beliefs. If you are distant from those beliefs, you should seek spiritual help. You could find the solution you are looking for.
Second 3 cards
The Devil, The Magician, The Force
Some very pretty promises are brought by the cards you've chosen on this position, the first 2 cards reveal some new challenges on the sentimental and personal life this April. Feel blesses for this.
The central card indicates that there is no doubt about it, you are going to live some very sweet moment with the people you are close with, and with a very beloved person that appears in your life. This person has some influence over you, and it will grow larger every week. But do know when to stop it, or else that person could try to use you because of your good will and trust.
You do also have feelings for that person. That person is aware of that, you've made it clear multiple times, but communication is something that has always been off between you two; that has lead to some misunderstandings that made things difficult for a moment. That's the reason not everything is perfect at the moment, but things should improve any moment with a confesion from the other person, that will make you both happier very fast; there is no doubt.
The card of The Force, combined with The Devil shows a drastic change on finances. Take the propper considerations about this issue. Save up, don't spend on stupid things, and learn how to spend. Avoid unnecessary things or things that will only bring happiness momentarily.
Advice 3 cards
The Moon, The Couple in Love, The Tower
You've been facing some difficulty lately. The cards of then Moon and The Couple in Love show that life has not always been easy for you, and you natural sensitivity has sometimes played against you.
The Tower tells me that you've acquired some unique experience in this long life, and that experience lets you understand the choices you've made in the past. You are aware of the people that have been of help, and the ones that have tried to hurt you.
There's one person that the cards highlight, that should have a benefitial rol for you and should allow you resume a solid relationship. If you are single, this person will make an "interesting" move towards you shortly. This person can be of the Cancer Zodiac sign. The build of this person is a bit "strong", and has straight hair. That person does most likely share some interests with you, on the job field I'd say.
The forth week of June, you will have a really good surprise, only if you've been expecting an update on some legal or economic issue. Be confident everything will be on your side and don't loose faith if there is some kind of delay, since the combination of the cards The Moon and The Tower imply slowness on third parties. Don't loose faith.
You will have to keep an eye on your health on May, more than ever. Keep an eyer for hits and fever. Even if cards don't show anything critical, you'll have to be cautious whhen handling heavy objects.
Last advice card
The Empress Advice
A beautiful and honest woman is present, or will be present, in your life. She'll be a very valuable person in your life if you know how to make a strong bond with her. if you're a man, this woman can mean a honest and lasting friendship, or even a love relationship that you shouldn't let go.
If you're a woman, it also means iniciative and fertility, a growing proyect. It's the cards of the birth, not a neccessarily a child, it can be the start of an activity that will bring satisfaction and pleasure to your life and the life of those around you.
This cards is strongly related to the creation, pregnancies, businness and the new and fresh ideas. It doesn't imply a pregnancy, as we can see by the surrounding cards, but it's a big step forward.
Take the time you have with your couple to talk about future, plans, your toughts and desires. Being spontaneous will help in the relationship, someone has to be romantic for things to work better.
First 3 cards
The Emperor, The Couple in love, The Female Pope
During June, you are going to have some news about a love matter, that will directly or indirectly involve you.
It can be some kind of broken engagement, a separation. This situation will bring some oportunities form you, some of which may be benefitial. Always seek the oportunities that will benefit you.
The central card in this position reveals an important money movement, but you will need to be ready to receive if you want it to be in your favour. If you refuse to recieve the blessings of the universe, you'll hardly get benefits from it. Even if the money income is small for a honest job, you should be grateful. And have no doubts it will be multiplied many times.
You'll receive an unexpected visit the second week of May, this can be an inconvenience. If you don't like having people visition or you are in no condition of having them, DON'T commit to anyone and be polite at the time of kicking them out.
A child very close to you sees you with eyes of hope. You must not let that child down, as s/he sees you as a heroe and someone to look up to because of your attitude. Or something that you got after a huge sacrifice.
Second 3 cards
The Force, The Moon, The Hermit
In this position, the card of The Force, with the card of The Hermit indicates us very clearly that a positive change in your relationships is about to happen. Love and social relationships take a good turn for you. Do know how to benefit from this when it comes.
During April, economy will be slightly affected, you'll have to administer your posseesions smartly and cut expenses. Some money for a job well done will come unexpectedly. Be grateful and if it's "clean" money for a job well done, have no doubt more will come.
A very young Sagitarium signed person will be very close to you, trusts you and your teachings deeply; it can be a student, a friend a pal or a buddy. That person willpraise you a lot, and you'll realize who s/he is that way.
At this point, the cards foresee a good end. Any inconvenience will be resolved withouth much difficulty. That is seen at the card The Moon in the center position, surrounded by The Force and The Hermit. Any previus bad omen will be "sweetened" (have it's effect reduced) by this conbination. This is a "happy" combination, so feel calm if you are about to start a new project you have in mind.
The Force card, tells us about positive changes on a legal issue that was pending. This cards reflects a mont, it can be August, during that period you'll have positive news on a legal issue. It may even reflect on businness or studies. The card is not very clear about that.
Advice 3 cards
Justice, The Star, The Trial
An unexpected helping hand will give you an advantage over the rest in June, this help will appear when everything seems to be lost. A third persona will have a decisive rol in this matter, and it could, from that moment on, have a new place in your life.
The combination of The Trial and Justice imply that you don't expect that from that person, so it will be a very good surprise. Have no doubt that person will be able to turn a bad situation into a good one, and you won't know how to thank her for that help that has saved you from the edge. The most valuable people in our life are not always those that we think about; this could be a wise advise the cards leave us.
A situation with uncertain luck will happen in May. You are not expecting anything at the time, so you'll be more surpised but that. It's not about something you've been long expecting, it's a new and unexpected event in your life. It will happen in the morning, and there is a man involved.
A Scorpio signed woman will get close to you, it'll most likely be about businness or money related things. This person has deep pockets, it can be someone with professional studies. Very focused and with strong etical and moral convictions. This help will have professinal advice in it. This can help you to take more focused decitions in the problems you might encounter in the future.
Last advice card
The World Advice
The World is a card that represents your relationship with the universe. It foresees success or a trip to a foreign country, be it for job or love related means. It can also mean that you need to open your eyes to a situation happening around you, to learn from the people surrounding you. This way, you'll know more roads leading to success and happiness.
The emotions are strong and focused, there's no exageration or uncertainty, you have to believe in yourself and trust you'll achieve your goals. Trust yourself as an individual, YOU are the only owner of your destiny, so stop whining about things that have no solution.
Look forward, because some happy moments and victories are awaiting, but be advised, you'll have to work to achieve that success, only whising is not enough, you have to work for it.
This cart cuts the bad energy previous cards have thrown upon you, it lessens the "evil" cards, and brings light into darkness; it helps you find a way out of trouble.
You must always keep the following in mind:
I am unique,
I can,
I deserve it.
When this card appears, success awaits you. You only have to trust in you and never loose faith.