Wallet Links
https://mega.co.nz/#!S0Y3WRRK!h8SZhiiQZWJYKP9UVZoKzDpQDAYyWEDmX_5u0BlOQtkMac OSX:
https://mega.co.nz/#!SghzVRxI!yyN19CFPfEDwhcHCKlVH2oh4TDoI01_atrXKHhir3LoSource Github:
https://github.com/micryon/planetdollarconf file example:
# Listen for RPC connections on this TCP port:
# Set gen=1 to attempt to generate planetdollars
=-= PlanetDollar Mission =-=
The PlanetDollar project’s main objective is to give everyone on the planet some amount of PDRs. There is no IPO, no cost, and this is not an investment opportunity. Instead, we just want to give everyone PDRs for free. Mining does give reward coins, but mostly we encourage miners to donate their cycles to support the network and project.
The initial money supply of PDRs will track the USD, that is: roughly 1.2 Trillion in circulation. The minimum unit of planetdollars is planetcents, or 0.01.
100% of premine are reserved to be given away. Budget for running the coin and related services will come out of PlanetDollar foundation funds, which are either achieved through mining (like everyone else), or funded through donations (primarily from my own funds).
Two key strategies are used to achieve these goals:
1) 100% Giveaway via social network validation - Instead of using airdrop and/or maildrop methods. Planetdollar will leverage
existing social network’s authentication infrastructure to distribute coins. We will start by using Facebook’s auth: any verified facebook user can simply go to our website, and claim their coins. No personal information is retained, no captcha or other ads are required. We only use the authentication services that Facebook provides. Unlike other distribution methods that have their said drops in the future. This auth method and send is available at launch day. This will be expanded in the future to include other social networks: QQ, Google+ and Twitter.
2) Mining for inflation: network support
Instead of capping the total money supply a small amount of inflation per year is created (starting with 0.03% / year, going to 1% per year). This reward goes to the miners. The mining rewards, instead of going down, will actually go up over time, to simulate incremental adoption of both miners and social network claimers. The total amount of PDRs that could be created will be.. extraordinary large: imagine inflation of 1% over 4000 years.. however it will be gradually introduced into the total money supply. Thus, the initial the premine actually turns out to be less than 1% of total coins which could be minted over 4000 years of inflation.
There’s no innovation on the coin protocol itself, except that minimum block size has been increased to 10 MB. Innovation will instead focus on distribution and public adoption of PDRs. The future roadmap consists of (either: from this dev team or community):
- Authentication methods: QQ, Google+, Twitter
- Blockchain info website
- Secure Web Wallet
- Single click wallet creation + claim functionality
- Native client + claim installer
- Android Wallet + Claim button
- Integrated Facebook Send money application
- API and SDKs for 3rd party developer integration
- PC wallet revamp, including paper wallet integrated generation
- Native Wallet integrated mining info
- Integrated Native wallet exchange trading
- Integrated miner SW into wallet
Note: because of my involved in other projects.. all improvements on the roadmap will also apply to support Realstackcoin and GPUcoin by default
Details of Mining
Hash Algorithm: Adaptive N-Factor ScryptInitial Money Supply: 1,200,000,000,000 (1.2 Trillion)
End money supply: enough for 4000 years worth of inflation.
Block time: 2.5 minutes
Difficulty Re-Target Time: Retargets every block (Kimotos Gravity Well)
Initial Block Rewards: 100 coins
Subsidy Increases by 5, every day up to 60,000 (~26 years)
Unique account claim reward: 100 coins
Unique account FB like: 1000 coins
Mining and Pools This is an nscrypt hash algo coin, you must use nscrypt miners.
https://vertcoin.org/downloads/vertminer-0.5.2.zip Pools: Pool:
http://freebtc.eu:6834/static/vertminer.exe --scrypt-vert -o stratum+tcp://freebtc.eu:6834 -u your_wallet_address -p x
ExchangesEcoinFund: http://ecoinfund.com/market=51https://c-cex.com/index.html?id=votehttp://coinok.pw/vote/https://www.cryptoaltex.com/index.php?page=newcoinConnect/ContactsFacebookIRC: #planetdollar on irc.freenode.net
planetdollar@hush.comCheck wallet addressesCold Wallet Distribution Funds address: PMdn9VyFirr7rrcNbrg5oTNEkH1sttmfbF
Hot Wallet Distribution Funds address: PASc8zmkB8onPbWqM1qvdEsZ9UNs8iH8ck
TeamLead Developer Micryon
Website screenshot:
Yes there are maybe some outlandish ideas here.. that's why it's an experiment.. Thank you for your interest and support of this coin! FAQ section1) What about those people without social network accounts2) What are the goals of planet dollar3) So this coin is just for experiment or fun. Is there no plan to get on any exchange? Translation Threads:
http://www.btcyear.com/thread-37353-1-1.html http://www.bimeiti.com/thread-1210-1-1.html https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=529657.new#new